Photo © GPEI


One key to a successful CBS program is regular supervision and monitoring of community volunteers. Create an oversight structure that supports community volunteers by focusing on these core objectives:

BUILD TRUST. Have open, honest, and trusting communication with volunteers. Create a supportive environment in which volunteers do not fear reprisal or failure. Discuss any barriers or challenges volunteers may be facing.

MONITOR PROGRESS. Conduct regular supervisory visits and provide constructive feedback to volunteers. Supervisors may find it useful to use a checklist to assess the performance and accuracy of each volunteer’s work. Offer periodic refresher training to ensure volunteers maintain their knowledge and skills. 

ENSURE EQUITY. Provide training and mentorship opportunities to both female and male volunteers. The quantity and quality of supervision should be equitable for all volunteers regardless of gender, ability, economic status, age, ethnic group, etc. In addition, women and men should receive the same compensation.


Consider monitoring the progress of your CBS program using indicators including those listed below and those outlined in Annex D of the GPSAP.

Assess initial CBS performance by reviewing changes in AFP reporting 4 months before and 4 months after CBS is implemented:

Assess ongoing CBS performance:


While community informants are commonly called volunteers, as they are in this toolkit, they are often incentivized for their activities and should be acknowledged for their contribution to polio surveillance. If relevant to your program, you may consider mobile money payments to ensure transparency and allow volunteers to receive funds directly, rather than relying on an intermediary like a supervisor to distribute funds. Every effort should be made to compensate volunteers fairly and on time.

Some considerations when initiating and implementing mobile money payments: