The design of a training course for adult learners on a new and not so common topic as blockchain should be led by 4 main elements: 

Adult learning Theory 

Among the different instructional design models available, the adult learning theory also known as andragogy, seems to help us more than others to achieve these objectives. 

This theory, developed by Malcolm Shepherd Knowles in the 1970's and still relevant today, focuses on the differences between adult and children's way of learning, highlighting the main elements make the adult learning paths relevant and effective. 

The Adult Learning Theory is based on 5 main principles that can be translated in actions for creating an effective and engaging course for adult learners on blockchain technology. 

The Adult learning Theory's main principles 


Adult learners want to know how learning will help them better their lives and work. They learn best when they know that the knowledge has immediate value for them. It is important to demonstrate the advantages of acquiring knowledge, skills and competences on blockchain technology for an improvement of the quality of learners’ life and work performances. It will help develop realistic expectations and motivation on the training. 

The main strategy here is to make connections between blockchain and adult learners’ life and work visible. 

To do this you can implement simple activities or training sessions: 

Foundation on Experience 

Adult training can reach better results if lies on previous experiences knowledge and competences. You should highlight learners’ experiences on the everyday activities or sectors impacted by blockchain technology. 

This will help them make connections, perceive relevance, and derive inspiration from the training. It is also important to provide customised programs in terms of strategies and modalities. 

It is much easier to do if you have a homogeneous target group (learners working in the same sector, experiencing the same condition, etc…). On the contrary, you can also find some common everyday activities (to use bank services, to sign a contract, etc…) everybody are experienced of. 

You can apply a scenario-based instructional design model that link the training with the real context experienced by the learners. Scenario-based learning (SBL) uses interactive scenarios to support active learning strategies such as problem-based or case-based learning. It normally involves students working their way through a storyline, usually based around an ill-structured or complex problem, which they are required to solve. In the process, students must apply their subject knowledge, and critical thinking and problem solving skills in a safe, real-world context 


Intrinsic motivations are in any case stronger than external ones, such as prizes and incentives. 

You should act as a facilitator and let the adult learners motivate himself supporting the autonomous definition of a value for the learning on blockchain. 

Intrinsic motivation in adult learners is improved a lot by the connections they can do with their own life and work environments and the perceived advantages that the training can have for them. 

This process is transversal to all the principles listed here and can be facilitated by applying some techniques: 


Adults learners want to take charge of the learning path. 

It is crucial to give adult learners the possibility to make choices in relation to the learning process, based on the sector where they want to apply blockchain technology or the service they need. 

The learners can need to use blockchain for a specific activity or in a specific working context. 

They will certainly prioritize those contents that are closer to their immediate needs. To do this you can apply different strategies or actions: 

Task-oriented learning 

Adults learn best when they “do.” They want to applicate the knowledge received. 

It is fundamental to give adult learners the possibility to practice blockchain technology. The training course should be massively based on practical task-oriented sessions 

Most of the training courses on blockchain are actually structured with a lot of theoretical sessions and only few hours dedicated to the practice. Adult learners need to immediately put into practice the knowledge received being able to access blockchain services and actively operate with this technology. 

The strategies you can use are different: