The College 

Fed Challenge

The College Fed Challenge is an academic competition where teams from colleges and universities around the country research economic conditions and present their analysis and monetary policy recommendations at the Federal Reserve. MSU is located in the (highly competitive) 7th District of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. District winners advance to National Finals at the Board of Governors in Washington, DC. The competition per se is in the Fall, but in the Spring students start preparing by building team cohesion, acquiring background knowledge, honing presentation skills, and beginning to consider the outlines of a policy proposal.

Michigan State University has been very well represented by its students in this competition. Even before there was any class credit to be earned, motivated students organized the team as a sort of student club, always bringing a team to Chicago, reaching the District Finals on multiple occasions (most recently in 2023) and even winning the District Championship and advancing to the National Finals in 2020!

While the focus of the Fed Challenge is naturally on economics and finance, interested undergraduate students from all majors and colleges are welcome to join the team. If eligible, team members are also encouraged to enroll in EC 332, an experiential learning class of 2 credits in Fall and 1 credit in Spring. Interested students may contact, and attend the orientation. Details below:


Tuesday, Jan 16, 4:35PM, 111 Berkey Hall 

Registration for EC 332 via Late Add form. More details will be given at the meeting.  

In 2020, MSU students won First Prize in the 7th District - Chicago, and finished 4th nationally.