
Peer-reviewed journal publications (* denotes students/postdocs supervised)

[P85] Mol, J., P. M. Bayle, M. Duran-Matute & T.S. van den Bremer (in preparation) Experimental observation of anti-Stokes drift.

[P84] Prins*, T., F. van der Ploeg & T.S. van den Bremer (in preparation) Optimal flood protection.

[P83] Heijden*, S. van der, J. van Reeken-van Wee, A. Varela Varela, S.N. Jonkman, S. Phlippen & T.S. van den Bremer (in preparation) Estimation of the economic damage from flooding using high-frequency consumer transaction data.

[P82] McAllister, M.L., S. Draycott, Y. Zheng, Z. Lin, W. Zhao, F. Dias & T. S. van den Bremer (in preparation) Breaking probabilities for mechanically generated directionally spread and crossing waves.

[P81] Steer*, J.N., J. Bidlot, T.S. van den Bremer, T.A.A. Adcock & M.L. McAllister* (in preparation) Wave breaking probability in highly directional sea states.

[P80] Yuxuan Liu*, D. Eeltink, T. S. van den Bremer & T.A.A. Adcock (in preparation) A machine learning architecture for wave breaking in nonlinear wave evolution.

[P79] Bayle, P.M., L. Middelplaats, C. Weststeijn, P. van der Gaag, D. de Gans, J. Mol, C. Willems, B. Hofland & T.S. van den Bremer (under review) The Delta Transport Processes Laboratory: a novel laboratory for surface and internal wave-induced currents under rotation

[P78] Qian Xiao*, Shiqiang Yan, T.A.A. Adcock & T.S. van den Bremer (under review) The effects of vorticity and turbulence on the drift of bluff bodies in numerical simulations.

[P77] Michele, S., E. Renzi, A.G.L. Borthwick & T.S. van den Bremer (under review) Heat transfer in the ocean wave-driven free-surface boundary layer.

[P76] Taebel, Z., M. L. McAllister*, A. Scotti, M. Onorato & T.S. van den Bremer (under review) A laboratory study of wave turbulence under isotropic forcing.

[P75] Yuxuan Liu*, T. S. van den Bremer & T.A.A. Adcock (under review) Numerical simulation of deep-water wave breaking using RANS: comparison with experiments.

[P74] McAllister*, M.L., S. Draycott, R. Calvert, T. Davey, F. Dias & T. S. van den Bremer (under review) Limiting short-crested monochromatic waves.

[P73] Rühs, S., E. van Sebille, A. Moulin, E. Clementi & T.S. van den Bremer (under review) Non-negligible impact of Stokes drift and wave-driven Eulerian currents on simulated surface particle dispersal in the Mediterranean Sea.

[P72] De Fockert, A., M.A. Eleveld, W. Bakker, J.M. Felício, T.S. Costa, M. Vala, P. Marques, N. Leonor, A. Moreira, J.R. Costa, R.F.S. Caldeirinha, S.A. Matos, C.A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, M. Simpson, A. Marino, A. Camps, A. Perez Portero, A. Gonga, O. Burggraaff, S. P. Garaba, S. Salama, Q. Xiao*, R. Calvert,* T.S. van den Bremer, E. Gandini & P. de Maagt (under review) Assessing the detection of floating plastic litter with advanced remote sensing technologies in a hydrodynamic test facility.

[P71] Van den Bremer, T.S., C. Hambel & F. van der Ploeg (under review) Three reasons to price carbon under uncertainty: Accuracy of simple rules.

[P70] Zitan Zhang, Tianning Tang,  Xiaobo Zheng, Wentao Xu, Lijun Zhang, Jung-hoon Lee, T. A.A. Adcock, J. Monty, T.S. van den Bremer & Ye Li (under review) A laboratory study of wind impact on steep unidirectional waves in a long tank.

[P69]  Calvert*, R., J. Mol*, B.R. Sutherland, T.S. van den Bremer (under review) Spatial damping of surface gravity waves by floating spheres. 

[P68] Qian Xiao*, M. McAllister*, T.A.A. Adcock & T.S. van den Bremer (under review) Laboratory study of the enhanced wave-induced drift of large rectangular floating objects.

[P67] McAllister*, M.L., S. Draycott, R. Calvert*, T. Davey, F. Dias & T. S. van den Bremer (under review) Three-dimensional wave breaking.

[P66] Calvert*, R., A. Peytavin, Y. Pham, A. Duhamel, J. van der Zanden, S. van Essen, B. Sainte-Rose and T.S. van den Bremer (2024) The effect of size, density and shape on the wave-induced transport of floating marine litter. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 129 (7), e2023JC020661.

[P65] Yuxuan Liu*, D. Eeltink, T.S. van den Bremer & T. A.A. Adcock (2024) A machine learning architecture for including wave breaking in envelope-type wave models. Ocean Engineering. 305, 118009.

[P64] Qian Xiao*, R. Calvert*, S.Q. Yan, T.A.A. Adcock and T.S. van den Bremer (2024) Surface gravity wave-induced drift of floating objects in the diffraction regime. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 980, A27.

[P63] M.L. McAllister*, N. Pizzo, S. Draycott & T.S. van den Bremer (2023) The influence of spectral bandwidth and shape on deep-water wave breaking onset. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 974, A14.

[P62] Tang, T., C. Moss, S. Draycott, H. Bingham, T.S. van den Bremer, Y. Li and T.A.A. Thomas (2023) The influence of directional spreading on rogue waves triggered by abrupt depth transitions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 972, R2.

[P61] Eeltink, D.,  R. Calvert*, J.E. Swagemakers*, Qian Xiao* & T.S. van den Bremer (2023) Stochastic particle transport by irregular breaking waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 971, A38.

[P60] Sutherland, B.R., M. DiBenedetto, A. Kaminski & T.S. van den Bremer (2023) Fluid dynamics challenges in predicting plastic pollution transport: a perspective. Physical Review Fluids. 8, 070701.

[P59] Yuxuan Liu*, D. Eeltink, Tianning Tang, D. Barratt, Ye Li, T.A.A. Adcock & T.S. van den Bremer (2023) Comparison of breaking models in envelope-based surface gravity wave evolution equations. Physical Review Fluids. 8, 054803.

[P58] Michele, S., A.G.L. Borthwick & T.S. van den Bremer (2023) Convection and diffusion of temperature beneath propagating and standing free-surface waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 659, A11.

[P57] Mortimer*, W., R. Calvert*, A. Antonini, D. Greaves, A. Raby & T.S. van den Bremer (2023) Implications of second-order wave generation for physical modelling of force and run-up on a vertical wall using wave groups.  Coastal Engineering. 180, 104259. 

[P56] Tang, T., D. Barratt*, H.B. Bingham , T.S. van den Bremer & T.A.A. Adcock (2022) The impact of removing the high-frequency spectral tail on rogue wave statistics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 953, A9.

[P55] Li*, Z., T. Tang, Y. Li, S. Draycott, T.S. van den Bremer & T.A.A. Adcock (2022) Wave loads on ocean infrastructure increase as a result of waves passing over abrupt depth transitions. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy

[P54] Barratt*, D., T.S. van den Bremer  & T.A.A. Adcock (2022) The impact of the spectral tail on the evolution of the kurtosis of random seas. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering.

[P53] Cunningham*, H.J., C. Higgins* & T.S. van den Bremer (2022) The role of the unsteady surface wave-driven Ekman-Stokes flow in the accumulation of floating marine litter. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 127 (6), e2021JC01810.

[P52] Mortimer*, W., A. Raby, A. Antonini, D. Greaves & T.S. van den Bremer (2022) Correct generation of the bound set-down for surface gravity wave groups in laboratory experiments of intermediate to shallow depth. Coastal Engineering. 174, 104121.

[P51] Eeltink, D., H. Branger, C. Luneau, Y. He, A. Chabchoub, J. Kasparian, T.S. van den Bremer & T.P. Sapsis (2022) Nonlinear wave evolution with data-driven breaking. Nature Communications. 13, 2343.

[P50] Kanehiraa, T., M. McAllister, S. Draycott, T. Nakashimaa, N. Taniguchia, D. Ingram, T.S. van den Bremer &. H. Mutsuda (2022) The effects of smoothing length on the onset of  wave breaking in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of highly directionally spread waves. Computational Particle Mechanics.

[P49] McAllister, M. L., S. Draycott, T. Davey, Y. Yang, T. A. A.Adcock, S. Liao & T. S. van den Bremer (2022) Wave breaking and jet formation on axisymmetric surface gravity waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 935, A5.

[P48] Draycott, S., Y. Li, P. K. Stansby, T.A.A. Adock & T.S. van den Bremer (2022) Harmonic-induced wave breaking due to abrupt depth transitions: an experimental and numerical study. Coastal Engineering. 171, 104041.

[P47] Van den Bremer, T.S. and Van der Ploeg, F. (2021) The risk-adjusted carbon price. American Economic Review. 111 (9), 2782–2810

[P46] Kanehiraa, T., M. McAllister*, S. Draycott, T. Nakashimaa, N. Taniguchia, D. Ingram, T.S. van den Bremer &. H. Mutsuda (2021) Highly directionally spread, overturning breaking waves modelled with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: a case study involving the Draupner wave. Ocean Modelling.

[P45] Barratt*, D., T.S. van den Bremer & T.A.A. Adcock  (2021) MNLS Simulations of focusing wave groups with directional spreading in deep and finite depth waters. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy.

[P44] Li*, Y., S. Draycott, Y. Zheng, Z. Lin, T.A.A. Adcock & T.S. van den Bremer (2021) Why rogue waves occur atop depth transitions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids. 919, R5.  

[P43] Bonar*, P.A.J., C.J. Fitzgerald, Z. Lin, T.S. van den Bremer, A.G. L. Borthwick & Thomas A. A. Adcock (2021) Anomalous wave statistics following sudden depth transitions: Application of an alternative Boussinesq-type formulation. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy.

[P42] Gervais, A.D., Q.X. Ede, G.E. Swaters, T.S. van den Bremer & B. R. Sutherland (2021) Propagation and breaking of three-dimensional Boussinesq wavepackets with rotation. Physical Review Fluids. 6 (4), 044801

[P41] Calvert*, R., C. Whittaker, M. L. McAllister*, A. Raby, A. G. L. Borthwick and T.S. van den Bremer (2021) A mechanism for the increased wave-induced drift of large floating marine litter. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 15, A73.  

[P40] Li*., Y., S. Draycott, T. A. A. Adcock & T. S. van den Bremer (2021) Surface wavepackets subject to an abrupt depth change. Part II: experimental analysis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 915, A72.

[P39] Li*., Y., T. A. A. Adcock, Y. Zheng, Z. Lin & T. S. van den Bremer (2021) Surface wavepackets subject to an abrupt depth change. Part I: second-order theory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 915, A71.

[P38] Tang, T., W. Xu, D. Barratt*, H. B. Bingham, Y. Li, P. H. Taylor, T. S. van den Bremer and T. A. A. Adcock (2021) Spatial evolution of the kurtosis of unidirectional random waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 908, A3.

[P37] Barratt*, D., H. B. Bingham, P. H. Taylor, T. S. van den Bremer and T. A. A. Adcock (2021). On the rapid spectral evolution of steep directionally spread surface wave groups. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 907, A30.

[P36] Higgins*, C., J. Vanneste & T.S. van den Bremer (2020) Unsteady Ekman-Stokes dynamics: implications for surface wave-induced drift of floating marine litter. Geophysical Research Letters. 47, e2020GL089189.

[P35] Guo, L., J. He, L. Wang, Y. Cheng, D.J. Frantzeskakis, T.S. van den Bremer & P.G. Kevrekidis (2020) Two-dimensional rogue waves on zero background in a Benney-Roskes model. Physical Review Research. 2, 033376.

[P34] Sutherland, B. R., W. Reeves* & T. S. van den Bremer (2020) Flows induced by Coriolis-influenced vertically propagating two-dimensional internal gravity wavepackets. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 064805.

[P33] Zheng, Y., Z. Lin, Y. Li*, T.A.A. Adcock, Y. Li* & T.S. van den Bremer (2020) Fully nonlinear simulations of extreme waves provoked by strong depth transitions: the effect of slope. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 064804.

[P32] Van Sebille, E., S. Aliani, K. Lavender Law, N. Maximenko, J. Alsina, A. Bagaev, M. Bergmann, B. Chapron, I. Chubarenko, A. Cózar, P. Delandmeter, M. Egger, B. Fox-Kemper, S. Pascal Garaba, L. Goddijn-Murphy, D. Hardesty, M. Hoffman, A. Isobe, C. Jongedijk, M. Kaandorp, L. Khatmullina, A. A. Koelmans, T. Kukulka, C. Laufkötter, L. Lebreton, D. Lobelle, C. Maes, V. Martinez-Vicente, M. A. Morales Maqueda, M. Poulain-Zarcos, E. Rodriguez, P. G. Ryan, A. Shanks, W. J. Shim, G. Suaria, M. Thiel, T. S. van den Bremer & D. Wichmann. (2020) The physical oceanography of the transport of floating marine debris. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 023003.

[P31] McAllister*, M.L. and T.S. van den Bremer (2020) Experimental study of the statistical properties of directionally spread ocean waves measured by buoys. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 399–414.

[P30] Steer*, J.N, A.G.L. Borthwick, D. Stagonas, E. Buldakov and T.S. van den Bremer (2020) Experimental study of dispersion and modulational instability of surface gravity waves on constant vorticity currents. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 884, A40.

[P29] Kreitmair*, M.J., T.A.A. Adcock, A.G.L. Borthwick, S. Draper, and T.S. van den Bremer (2020) The effect of bed roughness uncertainty on power estimates for the Pentland Firth. Royal Society Open Science, 7(1): 191127.

[P28] Higgins*, C., van den Bremer, T.S. & Vanneste, J. (2020) Lagrangian transport by deep-water surface gravity wavepackets: effects of directional spread and stratification. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 883, A42.

[P27] Steer*, J.N., A.G. L. Borthwick, M. Onorato, A. Chabchoub & T.S. van den Bremer (2019) Hydrodynamic X waves. Physical Review Letters, 123, 184501.

[P26] McAllister*, M.L. and T.S. van den Bremer (2019) Lagrangian Measurement of Steep Directionally Spread Ocean Waves: Second-Order Motion of a Wave-Following Measurement Buoy. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49 (12), 3087-3108.

[P25] Calvert*, R., Whittaker, C., Raby, A., Taylor, P.H., Borthwick, A.G.L. & van den Bremer, T.S. (2019) A laboratory study of the wave-induced mean flow and set-down in unidirectional surface gravity wavepackets on finite depth. Physical Review Fluids, 4, 114801.

[P24] Van den Bremer, T.S., C. Whittaker, R. Calvert*, A. Raby & P.H. Taylor (2019) Experimental study of particle trajectories below deep-water surface gravity wave groups. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 879, 168-186. 

Discussed in Focus on Fluids: Monismith (2020) Stokes drift: theory and experiments, 884, F1.

[P23] Steer*, J.N., A.G.L. Borthwick, M.L. McAllister* and T.S. van den Bremer (2019) Experimental observation of modulational instability in crossing surface gravity wavetrains. Fluids, 4 (2), 105.

[P22] Scarlett*, G.T., Sellar, B., van den Bremer, T.S. & Viola, I.M. (2019) Unsteady hydrodynamics of a full-scale tidal turbine operating in large wave conditions. Renewable Energy, 143, 199-213.

[P21] Chabchoub, A., K. Mozumi, N.P. Hoffmann, A.V. Babanin, A. Toffoli, J.N. Steer*, T.S. van den Bremer, N. Akhmediev, M. Onorato, T. Waseda (2019) Directional soliton and breather beams. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (20), 9759-9763.

[P20] McAllister*, M.L., Van den Bremer, T.S., Adcock, T.A.A. & Taylor, P.H. (2019) A note on the second-order contribution to extreme waves generated during hurricanes. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 141/041102-1.

[P19] Van den Bremer, T.S. , Yassin*, H. & Sutherland, B.R. (2019) Lagrangian transport by vertically confined internal wavepackets. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 864, 348-380.

[P18] Kreitmair*, M.J., Draper, S., Borthwick, A.G.L. & van den Bremer, T.S. (2019) The effect of uncertain bottom friction on estimates of tidal current power. Royal Society Open Science, 6: 180941.

[P17] McAllister*, M.L., Draycott, S., Adcock, T.A.A., Taylor, P.H. & Van den Bremer, T.S. (2019) Laboratory recreation of the Draupner wave and the role of breaking in crossing seas. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 860, 767-786.

[P16] Gervais*, A.D., Swaters, G.E., Van den Bremer, T.S. & Sutherland, B.R. (2018) Evolution and stability of two-dimensional anelastic internal gravity wavepackets. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 75, 3703-3724.

[P15] McAllister*, M.L., Adcock, T.A.A., Taylor, P.H. & Van den Bremer, T.S. (2018) The set-down and set-up of directionally spread and crossing surface gravity wave groups. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 835, 131-169.

[P14] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Sutherland, B.R. (2018) The wave-induced flow of internal gravity wavepackets with arbitrary aspect ratio. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 834, 385-408. 

[P13] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Breivik, O. (2017) Stokes drift. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 376, 20170104.

[P12] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Taylor, P.H. (2016) Lagrangian transport for two-dimensional deep-water surface gravity wave groups. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 472 (2192), 1364-5021. 

[P11] Van den Bremer, T.S. & van der Ploeg, F. (2016) Saving Alberta's resource revenues: role of intergenerational and liquidity funds. Energy Policy, 99, 132-146.

[P10] Wolgamot, H., Taylor P.H., Eatock Taylor, R., van den Bremer, T.S., Raby A. & Whittaker, C. (2016) Experimental observation of a near-motion trapped mode: free motion in heave with negligible radiation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 786, R5.

[P9] Van den Bremer, T.S., Wills, S. & Van der Ploeg, F. (2016) The elephant in the ground: managing oil and sovereign wealth. European Economic Review, 82, 113-131.

[P8] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Taylor, P.H. (2015) Estimates of Lagrangian transport by surface gravity wave groups: the effects of finite depth and directionality. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 120 (4), 2701-2722.

[P7] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Sutherland, B.R. (2014) The mean flow and long waves induced by two-dimensional internal gravity wavepackets. Physics of Fluids, 26, 106601. 

[P6] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Hunt, G.R. (2014a) Two-dimensional planar plumes and fountains: non-Boussinesq effects. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 750, 245-258. 

[P5] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Hunt, G.R. (2014b) Two-dimensional planar plumes and fountains. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 750, 210-244.

[P4] O’Hara Murray, R.B., Thorne, P.D., Van den Bremer, T.S. , Bricheno, L.M., Sparrow, K.H. & Wright, J.C. (2014) Briefing: Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference 2013, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering, 167 (2), 57-67.

[P3] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Van der Ploeg, F. (2013) Managing and harnessing volatile oil windfalls. IMF Economic Review, 61 (1), 130-167.

[P2] Hunt, G.R. & Van den Bremer, T.S. (2011) Classical plume theory: 1937-2010 and beyond. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 76 (3), 424-448.

[P1] Van den Bremer, T.S. & Hunt, G.R. (2010) Universal solutions for Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq plumes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 644, 165-192.