
Dr. Tongyang Xu


Office E2.09, Merz Court

School of Engineering

Newcastle University, NE1 7RU 

Email: tongyang.xu@newcastle.ac.uk

Visiting Lecturer

Office MPEB. 708 

Malet Place Engineering Building

Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering

University College London, WC1E 7JE 

Dr Xu is the Director of Newcastle University Communications Systems Lab.

Dr Xu is the Associate Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,

Dr Xu is the Associate Editor of Journal Frontiers in Communications and Networks.

Research Profile

·  Signal waveform design (wireless, optical and wireless-optical)

·  Communication systems (4G/5G/6G): system modelling and implementation

·  RF and digital system prototyping (software defined radio, USRP, FPGA)

·  Artificial intelligence (machine learning & deep learning)

·  Next-generation Internet of things

·  Secure communications (wireless, optical and wireless-optical)

·  Novel modulation format design

·  MIMO beamforming and transmission

·  Antenna design and prototyping

·      Interference exploitation

·  Signal processing, algorithm development and mathematical modelling

·      Medical and Healthcare engineering

Work Experience

2022(Oct.) – present 

Lecturer, School of Engineering,

                Newcastle University, UK.

2022(Oct.) – present 

Visiting Lecturer, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,

      University College London, UK.

2020(Oct.) – 2022(Oct.) 

Senior Research Fellow, (EPSRC fund) Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,

      University College London, UK.

·      Explore practical AI solutions for 5G/6G communication systems.

·      Robust and interpretable intelligent signal sensing.

·      Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) for multiuser-MIMO.

·      Low-cost secure communication framework.

·  Software-defined radio prototyping.


2019(Sept.) – 2020(Oct.)

Senior Research Fellow, (Huawei fund) Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,

      University College London, UK.

·      Waveform design for 6G.

·      Intelligent signal sensing using machine&deep learning.

·  Low-cost NG-IoT framework development.


2018(Jan.) – 2019(Aug.)

Research Fellow, (EPSRC fund) Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,

University College London, UK.

·  Hybrid analogue-digital multiuser-MIMO beamforming prototyping.

·  Precoding algorithms development for multiuser-MIMO.

·  Next generation IoT (NG-IoT) signal design and prototyping.

·  Parasitic antenna design for low-cost multiuser-MIMO system.

·  Machine learning detector design and implementation for Wireless and optical communications.

·  Software-defined radio prototyping


2017(May) – 2018(Jan.)

Data Analyst, Orsus Medical Ltd, UK

·  Non-invasive blood glucose monitor development.

·  Biomedical signal processing: Design unique radio waveforms to improve prediction accuracy.

·  Data analysis: Capture data and clean data using MATLAB, Python and Excel.

·  Feature engineering: Machine learning algorithms are used to discover hidden features for blood glucose prediction model design.

·  Graphical user interface (GUI) design.

·  Write technical documentation: ‘Microwave Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Prediction’.


2016(Jul.) – 2017(May)

5G System Designer, National Instruments (NI), UK

·  Implement 5G signal waveforms on USRP-RIO using LabVIEW.

·  Study the LTE application framework on the USRP-RIO for LTE-related development.

·  Investigate RF impairments on USRP-RIO.

Administration Experience

Editorial Experience

Teaching Experience

2022(Oct.) – present:  

Module leader, Newcastle University

MSc-EEE8128: Communications and Signal Processing (~80 MSc students)

2020(Oct.) – 2020(Nov.)

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (PGTA), University College London (UCL)

·  Mobile Communications Systems (MCS) course.

·      Size: 60-70 MSc students.

·      Lecture preparation for newly emerging communication techniques.

·      Organize students seminars and tutorials.


2017(Nov.) – 2017(Dec.)

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (PGTA), University College London (UCL)

·  Broadband Communications Laboratory (BCL) course.

·      Size: 30-40 MSc students.

·      Introduce test and measurement equipment and techniques for characterizing RF devices and communication systems.

·      RF experiments equipment: vector network analyzer; spectrum analyzer, vector signal generator, signal analyzer.

·      Obtain practical experiment skills beyond software simulation.



Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (PGTA), University College London (UCL)

·  Communications Systems Modeling (CSM) course.

·      Size: 30-40 MSc students.

·      Teach students to simulate communication systems using Matlab

·      Explain signal processing in communication systems.

·      Organize lab simulation exercises for MSc students.

Professional Experience


Publicity & Communications Chair, IEEE PIMRC Conference, London, UK



Students Grant Chair, IEEE PIMRC Conference, London, UK



Special Session Track Organizer and Chair, IEEE PIMRC conference, London, UK

·  Track topic: Waveform Design for Beyond 5G Communications (WD for Beyond 5G).



Special Session Track Organizer and Chair, IEEE ICT conference, Hanoi, Vietnam

·  Track topic: Waveform Design and Massive Connections for Beyond 5G Communications.


2017(Feb.) – 2017(Aug.)

IoT Project Consultant, Rothamsted agricultural institute, UK

·  Design a business model for precision agriculture.

·  Investigation of IoT devices for smart agriculture.

·  Smart agriculture entrepreneurship competition co-winner.


2013(Mar.) – 2013(Jun.)

Research Assistant, Institute of photonics technology at JINAN University in China

·  Set up an optical testbed to verify the transmission of SEFDM signals.

·  Test a newly proposed signal detector in a realistic optical fiber transmission.

·  Reach a conclusion that the SEFDM signal can improve data rate without consuming extra spectral resources.


2012(Sep.) – 2012(Dec.)

Research Assistant, University College London (UCL)

·  An optimized signal detector was proposed and verified.

·  Real-time signal detector prototyping in FPGA.


2013(Jul.) - 2017(Aug.)

PhD, University College London (UCL)

Research: Spectrally Efficient FDM (SEFDM): from Theory to Practice.

Degree: PhD in Electronic & Electrical Engineering (Thesis submitted with no corrections)

Thesis: Bandwidth Compressed Waveform and System Design for Wireless and Optical

Communications: Theory and Practice (Lombardi best PhD prize runner-up)


2011(Sep.) - 2012(Sep.)

MSc, University College London (UCL)

Degree: MSc in Telecommunications (Distinction)

Thesis: Modelling of an Interactive platform for the simulation of a Spectrally Efficient FDM communication system


2007(Aug.) - 2011(Aug.)

BEng, Xidian University

Degree: BEng in Electronic Information Engineering (with mark 85/100, top 10%)

Thesis: FPGA Design of Bayes Camera Interference