
Hello! I am Tongil Park, a research scientist at Korea Institute of Medical Microrobotics. My focus is on developing novel soft actuators and robots and exploring their underlying mechanisms and dynamics with diverse approaches.

I am a recipient of the Jeollanamdo Provincial Government Scholarship for Study Overseas 2023.

I am seeking to enroll in a PhD program in mechanical engineering for Fall 2024.

Tongil Park

Research Scientist



Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 

M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2018. 

Chonnam National University (CNU)

B.E., Mechanical Engineering, 2015. 

Research experience

Soft Robotics Lab., KIMIRo, 2020 -

Center for Intelligent and Interactive Robotics, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), 2018 - 2019 

Applied Fluid Mechanics Lab., KAIST, 2016 - 2018 

Center for Environment, Health and Welfare Research, KIST, 2015 - 2016 

Active Structures and Dynamics Lab., CNU, 2013 - 2014 


A multi-segmented soft finger using snap-through instability of a soft valve with a slit 

Tongil Park, Eunpyo Choi, Chang-Sei Kim, Jong-Oh Park, and Ayoung Hong*

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7 (3), 6990-6997, 2022. 

Ascidian-Inspired Soft Robots That Can Crawl, Tumble, and Pickand-Place Objects 

Shirong Zheng, Tongil Park, Manh Cuong Hoang, Gwangjun Go, Chang-sei Kim, Jong-Oh Park, Eunpyo Choi, and Ayoung Hong*

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2), 1722-1728, 2021.

Electrohydraulic actuator for a soft gripper 

Tongil Park, Keehoon Kim, Sang-Rok Oh, and Youngsu Cha*

Soft Robotics, 7(1), 68-75, 2020. 

Soft mobile robot inspired by animal-like running motion 

Tongil Park and Youngsu Cha*

Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-9, 2019 

Impinging sweeping jet and convective heat transfer on curved surfaces 

Dong Ju Kim, Seyeong Jeong, Tongil Park, and Daegyoum Kim*

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 79, 108458, 2019. 

Flow structure and heat transfer of a sweeping jet impinging on a flat wall 

Tongil Park, Kursat Kara, and Daegyoum Kim*

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124, 920-928, 2018. 

Conference Presentations