
School of Communication

I have created numerous posters, banners, and other print media for the Department of Technology Services at American University's School of Communication.

University of Maine Trade Show Exhibits

I produced many exhibits for UMaine for use in trade shows and other venues. I designed, wrote, and printed the exhibit panels. Most of the photos are from shoots I directed.

I created the Research: Imagine Knowing First motif to tie various print resources together, including posters and postcards, and the Research Annual Report.

UMaine Posters, Postcards, and Reports

I designed, produced, and wrote The University of Maine Research Annual Report - 2004. There was a tendency to interpret the word research as science and engineering. I wanted to be more inclusive, so I focused the report on knowledge production. Under the umbrella of knowledge production, the study of peace by a philosophy scholar was as natural of a fit in my report as supercomputers or advanced materials.


Postcards were the perfect way to reach out to busy state legislators who found it difficult to read everything they received. And I designed a logo for a new research center at UMaine.