
This is the list of workshops I organized.

"Workshop on recent developments in AdS/CFT " 4/2-4/6  2019, OIST 

"Recent progress in theoretical physics based on quantum information theory "   , 3/1-3/5 2021, Online 

" Workshop on quantum information and quantum black holes",    9/6 and 9/10 2021, Online

"IFQ-ExU joint mini workshop: Extreme Universe from Qubits", 12/16-12/18 2021, Online 

"Quantum Information Entropy in Physics",  3/21-3/26, 2022,  International workshop (YITP)

 "Quantum extreme universe from quantum information", 9/26-9/30, 2022, International workshop (YITP)

"Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity" 9/4- 10/5, International workshop (YITP)