Detailed CV :  the English ver is Here and the Japanese ver is Here.

• March 2020, B.S. in Science, Waseda University
• March 2022, M.S. in Sciences, Waseda University
• April 2022 - Present Ph.D. student, Waseda University
• October 2022 - Present Research assistant for Pioneering Research Program for a Waseda Open Innovation Ecosystem (W-SPRING) at Waseda University.

Short visits:
• August 1 - August 31, 2023 Internship at NTT-IFM (Host: Dr. Hiroyasu Miyazaki).
• January 15 - February 19, 2024, University of Edinburgh (Host: Prof. Arend Bayer).
Supported by the program ”Assistance of Overseas Travel to Cultivate International Character” within JST SPRING JPMJSP2128.