
Lehigh University

Topics: Python for Data Analysis, Linear Regression, Cross Validation and Bias-Variance Trade-Off, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees and Random Forests, Support Vector Machines, K-Means Clustering, PCA, Natural Language Processing, Neural Nets, and Deep Learning. (Syllabus)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (USA).

Topics: Most fundamental tools from calculus, linear algebra, probability, statistics, convex analysis, and optimization; Unsupervised/supervised learning problems, PCA, maximum likelihood estimation, linear and logistic regression, support vector machines, and neural network training. (Syllabus)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (USA).

Topics: Optimization models in data science, convexity and nonsmooth calculus, stochastic gradient methods, subgradient and proximal gradient methods, noise reduction methods, second-order methods. (Syllabus)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (USA).

Topics: Optimization under uncertainty, decision analysis, game theory, Markov chains, queueing theory, dynamic programming, Markov decision processes. (Syllabus)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (USA).

Sapienza University of Rome

Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory, and Finance, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.