Tom is here!

Hello and welcome! It seems you've found your way to my little corner of the web. If we've already had the pleasure of meeting, feel free to explore other parts of this site as you might not find anything new about me here. If you've somehow stumbled upon this page with no prior knowledge about me and have no interest in gaining any, well, you're free to exit stage left! But if you're still here and interested, thank you! I'm delighted to share a little bit about myself.

My name is Tom, an electronics engineer by profession, though I prefer the title of 'technology enthusiast.' I have a passion for understanding how things work, and this fascination has led me into the ever-evolving, fast-paced world of technology.

I reside in the bustling heart of Bangalore, India, sharing my home and life with my lovely wife, Ann, and our imaginative son, Chris. Our city may be crowded, but it's teeming with energy and innovation, which I thrive on.

I promise this page will grow in time as I gather my thoughts and find more to share. So, if you're interested in learning more about my adventures in electronics, my insights on the latest tech trends, or just want to know more about life in Bangalore, check back soon!

In the meantime, feel free to explore the rest of the site or get in touch. I always enjoy meeting fellow technology enthusiasts or anyone who's curious about the world. Happy browsing!

My Favorite Threes

Books :  Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins), Tell Tale Brain (V S Ramachandran), Understanding Beliefs (Nills J Nillsson)

Movies The King's Speech, Forrest Gump, The pursuit of Happyness

Youtube ChannelsVeritasium, Numberphile, TED

Programming LanguagesPython, Javascript, MATLAB

Technologies : Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics

Outdoor hobbies : Skating, Swimming, Badminton

Mobile Apps : VN Editor, Canva, Microsoft Math

TV Shows/Series : Chernobyl, Planet Earth, Breaking Bad

Cities I liked : Zürich, Dubai, Paris

Countries I would like to travel to : Maldives, Canada, New Zealand