
We accept the following types of submissions in AAAI format to the EasyChair site.

  • full papers (6-8 pages+references)

  • short papers (2-4 pages+references)

  • summaries of previously published papers (1 page)

Position papers about computational theory of mind and artificial social intelligence are welcome, as well as empirical studies.

Accepted papers will be assigned either a full length or lightning presentation slot.

Note that this is a non-archival workshop. We accept submissions of papers that are under review to other venues. The organizers will invite a subset of submissions to be included either in a Springer volume or journal special issue.

Key Dates
Aug 20, 2021: Abstract submission deadline. Note that abstract submission is mandatory since abstracts will be used for reviewer assignments.
Aug 30, 2021: Paper submission deadline
Sept 20, 2021: Acceptance notifications
Oct 1, 2021:
Author registration deadline
Oct 13, 2021: Camera ready paper submission (
submit updated paper to EasyChair)