Unknown even to many locals, this abandoned and half-overgrown cemetery at the edge of the old town contains the tombs of the Babi nawabs of Junagadh and their family members ... The most important tombs here are those of Sher Khan Salabat Khan (1748–58), who was the first Babi nawab, and Mahabat Khan I (1758–75), the second Babi nawab.

Source : Lonely Planet.

Junagadh State was founded in 1735 by Muhammed Sher Khan Babi (r.1748-1758), the first of a line of Nawabs from the Muslim Babi dynasty. Their tombs, known as maqbaras, are situated in enclosures within the city walls in two groups dating from the 18th and 19th centuries. The building on the right of this view is Maija Sahiba's Tomb. It was erected by the mother of a ruler of Junagadh, Nawab Mahabat Khanji II (r.1851-1882) and contains her tomb. It is a free-standing structure with a square plan inside a walled enclosure, near the tombs of the Bara Sayyid or twelve saints. The inner tomb is surrounded by a colonnade of cusped arches and crowned by onion domes and small minarets. There are cusped arches around the verandah of the mausoleum and on the window and doors of the inner building. The entire tomb is embellished with sculpted floral designs.

Source : British Library.

On my first trip to Junagadh I did not know this place even existed. It's seldom mentioned. When I stumbled upon this place on Google Maps I just had to see it. There are twelve large mausoleums and countless simple gravestones. This website has pics of the mausoleums.

If the metal gate at the entrance appears to be locked turn the (metal) knob/handle - the knob is also a latch. If you like photography you can easily spend a couple of hours here. Most probably there will be no one else around :-)

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ASI board at the entrance

Location of the twelve mausoleums within the cemetery (image from Google Maps)

Click links below for more pics ( * = large tomb)

The tombs are close to each other so they are not exactly easy to photograph ;-)

Tomb 12 *

Tomb 11 *

Tomb 10 *

Tomb 9

Tomb 8

Tomb 7 *

Tomb 6 *

Tomb 5

Tomb 4

Tomb 3

Tomb 2

Tomb 1

Other places in Junagadh

Plaque at the entrance

Last updated 3rd Jan 2022.

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