Internships and courses


13-21.05.2023 - Auburn (USA)

"Safety of structures against blast loads"

Auburn University

09.04-29.04.2015 - Wroclaw (Poland)

"Numerical identification of atherosclerosis calcium deposits based on indentation test"

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Experimental Mechanics

Wrocław University of Technology

11.03-31.03.2015 - Graz (Austria)

"Finite element method simulations of balloon migration during intra-aortic balloon occlusion"

Institute of Biomechanics

Graz University of Technology

07.09-06.10.2014 - Graz (Austria)

"Deeper insight into the intra-aortic balloon occlusion to prevent the balloon migration - different balloon materials"

Institute of Biomechanics

Graz University of Technology

02.07-04.10.2012 - Graz (Austria)

"Implementation of hyperelastic model of arterial layers with damage and distributed collagen fiber orientations"

Center of Biomedical Engineering

Institute of Biomechanics

Graz University of Technology

01.07-17.09.2010 - Leszno (Poland)

Summer Trainee Program

Division of General Construction in Leszno



Voice emission training

Coach: Barbara Tritt

22, 24.012021 - Poznan (Poland)

University Integrated for the Future

Unmanned aerial vehicle operator training with visual line of sight (UAVO VLOS, up to 5 kg)

07.2020 - Poznan

Aviation Training Center, Poznań University of Technology

Introduction to REVIT Autodesk

23-24.09.2019 - Poznan (Poland)

BUDiKOM - Komputerowe Wspomaganie Projektowania 

Non-linear Finite Element Analysis with particular Focus on Time-Dependent Problems 

Instructor: Prof. Stefan Hartmann


Polish Association for Computational Mechanics (PACM) 

"Biomechanics: Trends in Modeling and Simulation" - 6th Summer School

08-12.09.2014 - Graz (Austria)

Institute of Biomechanics

Center of Biomedical Engineering

Graz University of Technology

"Spring School of Nanomechanics"

07-10.04.2014 - Cracow (Poland)

Institute of Machine Design (Cracow University of Technology)

Section of Structural Mechanics and Materials, Committee of Civil Engineering

Section of Materials Science, Committee of Mechanics

Polish Academy of Science

"Nonlinear Mechanics of Soft Fibrous Materials" - Advanced Course

01-05.07.2013 - Udine (Italy)

International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM)

"Modeling and Simulation in Soft Tissue Biomechanics: From Structure to Macroscopic Response" - 5th Summer School

03-07.09.2012 - Graz (Austria)

Institute of Biomechanics

Graz University of Technology

"Multiaxial Fatigue of Materials and Structure Components" (in polish)

26-27.06.2012 - Poznan (Poland)

Section of Structural Mechanics and Materials

Committee of Civil Engineering

Polish Academy of Science

"Current trends in development of implantable tissue structures"

18-20.04.2012 - Warsaw (Poland)

International Center of Biocybernetics

The Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering

Polish Academy of Science

"English For Academic Purposes”

07-11.11.2011 - Bedlewo (Poland)

Department of Modern Languages

Poznan University of Technology