TV interviews


On Political Reforms. 1/17/2024

On President's Interview. 1/3/2024

On Independence Day. 12/15/2023

Parliament session. 24/5/2023

Parliament Elections Debates. 16/3/2023

Election observers. 7/3/2023

Parliament Elections. 25/2/2023

Parliament Elections. 25/2/2023

Fair Kazakhstan. 21/2/2023

Parliament Elections Campaign. 20/2/2023

Parliament Elections Campaign. 20/2/2023

Parliament Elections. 11/2/2023

Parliament elections. 23/01/2023

Political System. 7/11/2022

President elections. 29/10/2022

Illegal capital. 23/10/2022

Elections. 26/10/2022

Elections. 22/10/2022

Elections and Political Modernization. 10/10/2022

Elections-2022. 2/10/2022

President Elections. 28/9/2022

Political Reforms. 15/9/2022

Presidential Elections. 22/9/2022

Presidential Elections. 22/9/2022

Presidential Elections. 21/9/2022

The Day of Republic. 21/9/2022

Presidential Elections. 21/9/2022

President Message. 9/9/2022

President Message. 4/9/2022

President Message. 1/9/2022

President Message. 1/9/2022

President Message. 1/9/2022

Constitutional reform. 31/5/2022

Referendum 27/5/2022

Referendum. 23/5/2022

Referendum. 21/5/2022

Political culture. 17/5/2022

Constitutional reform. 28/4/2022

National Kurultay. 22/04/2022

Reform of party system. 8/2/2022

Reform of party system. 3/2/2022

Reform of party system. 3/2/2022

АстанаТВ_13 января 2022.mp4

President Speech in Parliament (AstanaTV). In Kazakh. 01/13/2022


National Projects ( 10/19/2021


National projects (AlmatyTV). In Kazakh. 10/18/2021

Хабар Үкімет 15 октября 2021.mp4

National Projects. 10/15/2021

Алматыдағы форумға 14 елден 200-ге жуық жас ғалым қатысуда К.mp4

Science Forum'21 in Kazakh. 8/9/2021

Победители форума молодых ученых получат гранты на свои бизн.mp4

Science Forum'21 in Russian. 8/9/2021

ABC_Президент Жолдамасы_01.09.2021.mp4

The Message of the President of Kazakhstan. 1/9/2021


Election of akims. 6/8/2021

Әкімдерді сайлау саяси жүйенің жаңғыруын көрсетеді – Сарапшы.mp4

Election of local governors. 6/8/2021


Election of local governors. 5/5/2021


Round table on Cyberpedagogy. 5/27/2020


Interview on the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  10/31/2019


Conference "Human Rights: Modern State, Achievements and Challenges of the Time". 12/7/2018


Interview on education. Khabar. 10/12/2018


XV International Conference "Youth in Science - 2.0'18". 10/31/2018

Burabay Forum_10.08.2018_Хабар24.mp4

Burabay Forum. 8/10/2018

Burabay Forum_2018_Qazaqstan.mp4

Burabay Forum. 8/8/2018

Интервью_Рухани жаңғыру_Хабар_22.04.2018_Токтаров Е.Б..mp4

Interview for "The Path of Modernization. First year - First stage" Documentary. 4/22/2018