Tokai University QOL Seminar #7

International Development Assistance and QOL in the Developing World: Danish and Japanese Strategies

Søren Jeppesen

Associate Professor Søren Jeppesen, Copenhagen Business School

Presentation Title: Danish ODA in the light of SDGs and alleviating poverty

Danish ODA has over the last 25 years moved towards incorporating the Private Sector in its development efforts. These efforts have taken different forms over the years linked to numerous programs. With the coming of the SDGs and in particular SDG 17 on Partnerships, yet another program and form has appeared – the Danida Market Development Program (DMDP). The role and potential benefits of including the private sector in ODA has been widely debated over the years. Some element of consensus was reached in the early 2000s with DAC pinpointing the role of: a) undertaking industry wide initiatives, b) ensuring local ownership (and participation of the local private sector in the Global South), c) linking to partner countries’ priorities as expressed in their industrial policies, and d) having a long term perspective (10 years plus). Nevertheless, a range of government priorities have come into play when programs were formulated and implemented, following by a string of critical evaluations highlighting limited impact of the programs. The DMDP is the latest attempt to bridge the concerns, aim to contribute to poverty alleviation. Based on a preliminary assessment of the program (Rud Pedersen & Månsson 2021), the presentation will discuss to what extent the objectives have been met vis-à-vis the SDG17 and the Danish ODA criteria.


Søren Jeppesen is Associate Professor of SMEs, entrepreneurship and innovation at Copenhagen Business School. His main research area concerns the interrelationships between business and development studies centered around local firm strategies, CSR as well as linkages between foreign and local companies, and private sector development with an emphasis on countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. Alongside the academic work, he has taken active part in the Danish, Nordic and European debates on ODA as a member of the Association of Development Researchers in Denmark (FAU), of the Joint Nordic Development Research Initiative and of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI). His publications include: Azizi, S. and Jeppesen, S. (2020). ‘CSR in Developing Countries: Competing Perspectives on Businesses, their Roles, and Responsibilities.’ p. 235-256. In: Business and Development Studies: Issues and Perspectives. Peter Lund-Thomsen; Michael Wendelboe Hansen; Adam Lindgreen (eds.). Abingdon: Routledge 2020 (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology); Charles, G., Jeppesen, S., Kamau, P. and Kragelund, P. 2017. ‘Firm-level perspectives on State-Business Relations in Africa: The food-processing sector in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia.’ Forum for Development Studies, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 109-132. Jeppesen, S. (In Danish): ’Corporate Social Responsibility i ulandsbistanden – gammel vin på nye flasker?’ (Corporate Social Responsibility in Overseas Development Assistance – old wine on new bottles?’ In: Politik, vol. 11(4): 59-69. 2008. Nielsen, H, Jeppesen, S. and Kragelund, P. (eds.) (In Danish) Tommestok og tryllestav. Målestokke for udvikling og den private sektor som vidundermiddel? Vol. 40, no. 1, 2007. Special Issue of the journal Den Ny Verden. Copenhagen, The Danish Institute for International Studies.