Hashida Lab.

Advanced laser nano materials  science


Topics FY2021     FY2022      FY2023

Topics FY2024

2024/7/8-12     50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 

                "Commissioning experiment for laser-driven dark matter search with 100TW laser system at ELI-NP", Yoshihide Nakamiya, Catalin Chiochiu, Mihai Cuciuc, Georgiana Giubega, Takumi Hasada, Masaki Hashida, Kensuke Homma, Fumiya Ishibashi, Tsuneto Kanai, Yuri Kirita, Airi Kodama, ShinIchiro Masuno, Takafumi Miyamaru, Liviu Neagu, Vanessa Rozelle Maria Rodrigues, Madalin Mihai Rosu, Stefan Victor Tazlauanu, Ovidiu Tesileanu, Shuji Sakabe, and Shigeki Tokita, salamanca, Spain.

2024/6/11-14   LPM "Laser Induced Periodic Structures: generation and applications", Masaki Hashida, Hitoshi Sakagami, Mitsuhiro Kusaba, Satoru Iwamori, Shigeru Yamaguchi and Shigeki Tokita, Invite talk, San Sebantian, Spain

2024/5/22-23  "Micro and nano structures formation of aluminum surfaces irradiated by ultraviolet laser pulses

aiming at improving performance of lithium ion batteries",Y. Jiang, M. Hashida, S. Iwamori, FY2024 annual meeting of the Materials Science Society of Japan, International conference center, Waseda University

2024/4/22-26   OPIC 

   SLPC2024  (The 5th Smart Laser Processing Conference)

       "Nano dot structures on the surface of Si solar cells produced by XeCl and KrF excimer laser pulses", (poster), Mitsuhiro Kusaba, Kenta Hirai, Tomoyo Takana, Daisuke Tsutsumi, Masaki Hashida, Hitoshi Sakagami

        "Estimation of surface roughness for antimicrobial structure evaluation from the reduction in reflectance", (Poster), Mikuru Okazaki, Masaki Hashida, Satoru Iwamori

    HEDS(High Energy Density Physics) 

        "Control of multiscale expansion/relaxation dynamics of micro-structured designed targets irradiated with high-intensity lasers", (Oral), R. Matsui, N. Hayashi, K. Kondo, K. Matsuda, K. Fukami, H. Sakaguchi, S. Masuno, M. Hashida, S. Sakabe, S. Tokita and Y. Kishimoto

For joint research application, please contact following person

     Prof. Masaki Hashida

     TEL: 0463-63-4950(Direct) 

     TEL: 0463-58-1211(representation) ext. 3667

E-mail hm412473 at tsc.u-tokai.ac.jp ( at is replaced to "@")

Tokai University has the Technology Joint Management Office established, maintained, and operated with the assistance of the Advanced Research Infrastructure Sharing Promotion Project in MEXT(the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), and the Tokai University Imaging Research Center established based on the industry-academia collaboration comprehensive agreement by Nikon Co., Ltd. Adjacent to our laboratory, there are more than 35 material analyzers and 15 bioimaging instruments. By utilizing an environment that enables rapid implementation from laser irradiation to analysis, not only will new collaboration be created for high-intensity laser interactions and laser micro/nano surface processing, but also the basics of micro/nano structure formation, new material applications, and bio-applied research will be accelerated.  


Joint research record   

     Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

  Non linear / Non-equilibrium Plasma Science Research Unit, Kyoto University

  Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University