While the rest of the world views toilet paper as just that, Hello Kitty fanatics view toilet paper as a display item. So I sat on the toilet pondering my predicament. I had two choices: 1) I could open the bathroom door, hobble down the hallway with my pants at my ankles desperately trying to salvage any dignity I had by covering up the best I could until I got to the storage closet where I knew we had non Hello Kitty toilet paper. I would then grab a roll, hobble back with my pants still around my ankles until I reached the bathroom where I could finally wipe myself properly. 2) I could grab a roll of Hello Kitty toilet paper right next to me, use it without losing any dignity, but have to face the Hello Kitty Hell wrath for actually using a Hello Kitty product the way it was supposed to be used.

One would assume that once you have Hello Kitty toilet paper, and a Hello Kitty electronic toilet paper dispenser, you have pretty much covered all the toilet paper Hello Kittification that you can, but remembering that this is Hello Kitty Hell, there is always something else to place the evil feline on. Thus the bright minds at Sanrio decided that there should be a Hello Kitty toilet paper storage cabinet:

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S01E02: Use the toilet paper from the loo roll holder with the toilet, use the laxative from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom with the beer in the kitchen,leave the kitchen, wait until neighbour leaves kitchen, put egg from freezer in the microwave, wait until neighbour leaves living room towards the bathroom, use the saw from the chest of drawers in the hallway with the armchair, break the TV antenna.

S01E03: Use the marker pen from chest of drawers with the picture, use toilet paper from the loo roll holder with the toilet, use the soap from the soap dish with the bathroom floor, go to the living room and wait until the neighbour is downstairs, take the egg from the fridge, go back to the living room and wait for the neighbour to go downstairs again. Then use the egg with the microwave and the firework from the chest of drawers with the candles on top of the microwave. Then head downstairs via the living room and put the mouse trap from the chest of drawers into the letter box. Hide in the wardrobe.

S01E04: Grab all items from the ground floor, then wait in the living room for the neighbor to leave the the kitchen to go to the bathroom. Use the shaving foam on the whipped cream. Go to the bathroom (through the living room) and use the toilet paper on the toilet, the glue on the aftershave, the hair restorer on the deodorant and the soap on the floor. Hide in the wardrobe and wait for the neighbor to go to the bathroom. Then use the marker pen with the picture and go to the kitchen to put the egg from the freezer into the microwave. Hide in the wardrobe again.

S01E06: Grab all items from the ground floor. Go to to the living room, then the kitchen where you take the empty milk bottle from the rubbish bin and the egg from the fridge. Go to the bathroom after the neighbour left it and fill the empty bottle with bath water. Then hide in the wardrobe. Wait for the neighbor to take a bath, take a trip around the house, and for him to turn on the bath water again. As he enters (!) the bathroom to turn on the bath water again, go to the kitchen and use the egg on the microwave and replace the milk for the pudding with bath water. Go back to the hallway and draw on the picture. Go to the bathroom and use the shoe polish on the towel, the hair restorer with the bath water, and the soap on the floor. Go to the living room and glue the picture album and replace the candy with foaming bath pearls. Then hide in the wardrobe. When the neighbour goes to the living room, clog the toilet with toilet paper and go back to the wardrobe.

So what is going on? Why are people so determined to stockpile toilet paper? To find out, we stopped by Woolies and Costco at the crack of dawn to interview people buying large amounts of toilet paper. None of them wanted to be in photos so we snapped shots of their trolleys and talked prepping.

Do you think the toilet paper crisis is a herd mentality thing?

100 percent. I feel like it's a lot of unnecessary panic and just the general fear of missing out. There's no way people are using toilet paper that fast. What, does everyone have chronic diarrhoea all of a sudden?

1. This vessel submitted a requisition for 150 rolls of toilet paper on July 30, 1941, to USS HOLLAND. The material was ordered by HOLLAND from the Supply Officer, Navy Yard, Mare Island, for delivery to USS Skipjack.

3. During the 11  months elapsing from the time of ordering the toilet paper and the present date, the Skipjack personnel, despite their best efforts to await delivery of subject material, have been unable to wait on numerous occasions, and the situation is now quite acute, especially during depth charge attack by the "back-stabbers."

5. Skipjack personnel during this period have become accustomed to use of "ersatz," i.e., the vast amount of incoming non-essential paper work, and in so doing feel that the wish of the Bureau of Ships for the reduction of paper work is being complied with, thus effectively killing two birds with one stone.

7. In order to cooperate in our war effort at a small local sacrifice, the Skipjack desires no further action be taken until the end of the current war, which has created a situation aptly described as "war is hell."

She recently went the supermarket to pick up a few provisions. She said even at an early hour, there was no toilet paper to be had. Toilet paper? What is it about humans and toilet paper? Did the pioneers in their wagon trains going west have an extra wagon just for carrying rolls of toilet paper? I think not. They did just fine.

While we are hard-pressed to think of any port-a-potties in New York City that have elicited any kind of pleasure (if you know of any drop, us a line), rare is the outhouse that is completely unusable. And how often are these things, um, refreshed during spectacular spring weekends? This toilet featured no service log (and no toilet paper either) on the wall, so its recent past was obscured from recorded history.

We knew Tesla was in for some intense cost-cutting measures after posting a $700 million loss last quarter, but employees told Electrek that the cuts include even the most basic office supply of all time: toilet paper.

Things tend to get itchy, rashy, and worse if you don't keep your butt clean. For a company that really doesn't like it when employees talk about working conditions that force them to take medical leave, not providing enough toilet paper is playing a dangerous, dangerous game.

But can you really expect a restaurant to check and make sure that their toilet paper dispensers are latched? According to the Michigan Supreme Court the answer is hell yes! They just ruled this week that Sheri can sue the pants off of Texas Roadhouse. I guess latch inspection is supposed to be right up there with drink refills and twisting the foil around your leftovers into the shape of a steer.

Why? Because fuck having to look at your used toilet paper on the side of the trail (and you, being the very beautiful and educated user of the outdoors that you are, need to set a good example for everyone else).

People need to learn about bidets. They sanitary, economical, depending on which one you get they are cost effective. I have one and I love it! Toilet paper smears feces and urine back on you. My gynecologist recommended.

Social media may have reinforced the feeling of helplessness, such as the lack of necessities, which could lead to emotional distress and depression. During the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, Twitter analysis studies have found that misinformation and confusion regarding the use of informal terms could be easily spread through social media [17]. However, positive tweets were also found in this study. In our study, results indicated that a quarter of the tweets contain supportive information regarding supplies, discounts of toilet paper and prompting others to stay calm in midst of the crisis. Some retailers and manufacturers had made tweets empathising the sufficiency of toilet paper supplies, in hope to counterbalance the spread of anxiety and panic buying behaviours. Using digital platforms to enhance access to health services including mental health support is not a new idea, however, general uptake of digital mental health applications has been low in many countries [25]. The COVID-19 pandemic may be a good opportunity to explore the feasibility of digital health options [26].

Toilet Paper Hell (1974) features a ruinous urban setting where hundreds of mostly nude, orange-hued individuals run, tumble, and claw each other in a frenetic attempt to seize rolls of toilet paper.[3] The absurd narrative was Fukuzawa's response to the 1973 oil crisis in which Middle Eastern countries severely restricted oil's importation, resulting in a severe economic recession in Japan.[27] Fukuzawa equates this oil scarcity with the toilet paper as a humorous and anarchically critical position of Japanese consumerism.

Sometimes it's the smallest of gestures that are the most appreciated. If you don't have a toilet roll holder, be sure to keep your extra rolls somewhere your guests are sure to look, like in the cupboard under the sink. Avoid keeping your spare TP in another room if you can, and always make sure you're well stocked before your guests arrive.

Having someone walk in on you while you're on the toilet is the worst, and having someone knock on the door while you're there is similarly pretty bad. Save everyone the trouble and fashion an occupied sign out of cardboard.

DESCRIPTION: In this PSA, we see different shots of a green, darkly lit toilet stall. The first thing we see is a toilet roll that's out of paper. It then cuts to some green text saying, "DIARRHOEA FLOWS FOR DAYS". Then cutting to some more shots of the bathroom (including what appears to be a diarrhea-clogged tub) before cutting to more text that says, "YOUR ANUS BLISTERS WITH OPEN SORES". We then see a lamp swinging from one side of the room to the other. Then cutting to text that says, "EVEN THE SOFTEST TISSUE FEELS LIKE FIRE". Then cutting to a shaky-camera shot of the room. (there also seems to be something in the middle of the room, but I can't tell what it is) It then cuts to some more text that says, "THIS IS HEROIN WITHDRAWAL", then cutting to, "FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO TRY HEROIN NEVER ESCAPE", and finally cutting to "HEROIN IS LIVING HELL" after one last blurry shot of the toilet stall. And then cutting to the PARTNERSHIP FOR A DRUG FREE SINGAPORE logo. ff782bc1db

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