Department of Earth Science, Tohoku University

Natural Resources


Environmental Geochemistry Group

Elucidating the origin and evolution of life THROUGH geochemistry

"When did life emerge on Earth, and how did life and the Earth co-evolve? "

This question poses a great mission that has been left for modern science to solve. We conduct multifaceted research on the early Earth and life from 2 standpoints. One is the geological/geochemical approach, such as searching for the earliest signs of life, elucidating the environments that early life thrived in, and studying relations of ore resources and biological activity. The other is the approach of organic chemistry and molecular biology to elucidate the formation and chemical evolution of the organic molecules that led to the birth of life.

The sole lab in Japan that studies origin of life from the viewpoints of both geology and organic geochemistry

The earliest traces of life on Earth

Regions that retain evidence of the early Earth are extremely scarce today. Our research group discovered new evidence for the earliest traces of life on Earth through field research in Greenland, where formations from 3.7 billion years ago are preserved.

Synthesis of organic molecules on early earth

Many different chemical reactions occurred in the various surface environments that existed on the early Earth. This includes the reactions that synthesized organic molecules related to life. We are revealing which organic molecules related to life formed and how they polymerized by mimicking the various chemical reactions that could have occurred in different scenarios; these include scenarios such as an asteroid impact or dehydration in tidal flats on the early Earth.

Co-evolution of the Earth and life

It has become clear that biological activity is deeply involved in the formation of metal ore and oil deposits. We strive to reveal the relations between the formation of resource deposits and biological activity through field research and chemical analysis of iron ore formations, Kuroko reserves, manganese deposits, and oil deposits.

Extraction of organic molecules from meteorites

Cosmogenic organic molecules were also delivered to the Earth by meteorites or cosmic dust. We are conducting chemical analysis on organic molecules extracted from meteorites. Through this approach, we are working on to elucidate how organic molecules required for the birth of life were synthesized and how they behaved during chemical evolution.

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