To Go Live Off the Grid Surviving

To go off grid and to be able to live off the grid requires good preparation. Surviving off the grid is possible if you have certain things in place. This can be done simply or you can do it with no expense spared, but the amount of money you spend doesn’t need to be huge.

There are simple ways to cover the basics and the book noted below has been written to help those on minimum budgets to prepare for emergencies or to go live off the grid if they choose. Of course, it depends where you currently live whether you can put all of these suggestions into practice. However, some of the tips will be helpful for preparing for emergencies even when living in a high-rise apartment.

For those into revelation end time prophecy who want to go off grid temporarily and also those who more permanently want to live off the grid, the tips shown in Self Sufficiency Survival  will give a good overview of easy-to-follow solutions to many of the things you need to consider. Surviving off the grid is easier when you’re prepared. 

The above link is for the e book version. It’s also available in amazon paperback books.