Decoupled CO2 Reduction


ERC Horizon 2020 - Starting Grant

This project funded in 2018 by the European Research Council aims to use electrochemically generated reducing agents to reduce carbon dioxide to high value products. CO2 reduction is a grand challenge and requires catalysts, optimised reactors and reaction conditions, and a robust analytical arrangment to quantify products. 


The catalysts being studied ont his project are bimetallic materials and two-dimensional MXenes, as well as copper materials as a bench mark for performance. The key is to identify materials that will encourage CO2 reduction while limiting hydrogen evolution.  

Redox Mediators

Redox mediators generated on this project are similar to the range of catholyte solutions used in redox flow batteries. The reducing capability 

Product Analysis

A robust and reliable analytical set up to quantify CO2 reduction products is critical to evaluating and developing new catalytic materials and optimising reactor designs. This project will develop techniques using relatively new appraoches; Gas chromatography with a Barrier  Ionisation Discharge detector and Online Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry. 

Conferences and Talks

ISE 2023 - Lyon

Members of the project went to Lyon this Septmeber to present on their work conceerning CO2 redution. A total of 3 posters were presented over the course of the conference, covering all aspects of the project. Sam presented on his MXenes as CO2 catalysts, Daniel overviewed the highs and lows of using electrochemical mass spectrometry as a tool for product analysis and Mark presented on our recent proof of concept data showing CO2 reduction using redox mediator solutions!