Hello everyone! I currently need 2 relays that I want to be able to control using home assistant and has physical switches to toggle on/off, and I found this combo board on AliExpress that hardware-wise looks like it has everything I need: 2 relays, wifi, and a physical switch. Has anyone ever got these wifi-relay combo boards to work with home assistant? I saw a video on YouTube showing that you could control this board straight out of the box using an Android App called ESP2Relay. Would I be able to use it straight out of the box or would I have to flash it with ESP Home/Tasmota? Thanks for your time guys!

In addition to standard command and Alt/Option keys, Das Keyboard 4 Professional for Mac offers quick, convenient access to a number of other Mac specific key functions. The Das Keyboard 4 Professional for Mac makes it easy to toggle between screens, view your desktop along with other applications that you have open, and access your brightness controls all at the push of a button.

Toggle Mod Combo V4.1.1 Download

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In addition, to rule out simply a tools issue with the memory view and to determine if INFO memory has really been erased, it would be good to read the info memory into a variable in the code instead of just using the memory view, or to toggle an LED if the INFO memory at the location matches the expected value you wrote in before the suspected erasure. This would be a way to confirm if INFO memory is actually being erased or if the tool is just unable to read/display that area.

This combination lets you infer the sub-LSB information provided there is enough random noise in the signal for the lowest ADC bits to toggle up and down while you gather those readings. But without the noise, all of the original ADC readings are the same, and the oversampling technique does not work. To show you what that kind of failure looks like, here is oversampling & decimation being done over 4096 readings with no noise or dither signal applied to a 10k NTC thermistor divider read with 1.1v aref:

Now that I think about I have an additional question: what if I want to affect the WrapMode of all the brushes at once (for one ZBrush session only)?

What I have in mind is like a script to toggle on and off to set the WrapMode of all the brushes at once for that particular session .

I am unsure how I can affect all the brushes at once: any hint on how to do that?

Network data transmissions often produce errors, such as toggled, missing orduplicated bits. As a result, the data received might not be identical to thedata transmitted, which is obviously a bad thing.

1 - The nice combo for Inquisitor Elemental builds since is Empyrion Helm + Mace of Malakor for an incredibly large and powerful Aura of Censure.

2 - Core for the build is also the -15% elemental resistances from the Occultist Conduit Amulet.

3 - Rings, Gloves and Shoulders for very nice procs.

@Baldrick33 and @jonsky7 ...thank you both. I'll make sure to check these solutions out. 

Since you might be the users who might have answers to questions I had that haven't had answers: 

1. Would you know if it is possible to save a snap view so that does not snap back... For example: pressing a snap view like LWin-Numpad5 (large HUD) will not disappear when the same LWin-Numpad5 key combo is released? This functionality will be great for target practice.

2. Is it possible to combine (overload) two commands using one keybind eg. pressing joystick Button 2 extends the speed brake. Pressing Button 2 again, a second time, will retract it (it'll behave like the 'g' key. A first press of the 'g' keybind will bring the gear up. The second 'g' press will bring the gear down). Another example, press a joystick button once has you checking your back or '6' (the default F4 or external view-look backwards). Pressing it a second time, take you inside (the default F1 internal view-cockpit center). This functionality will quickly let you see if you hit your targets.


(eg the "combos = {{key = 'Num7', reformers" is the programmed default key. When you change a keybind, a keybind differences file is created in your saved games folder. The default.lua file is not changed when you make changes, only the differences file. Any changes you make to the default.lua's will revert on the next update. That's where the mod I linked to earlier comes in. Or use a mod manager like OvGME.)


Without a numeric argument, the value of the comment-beginvariable is inserted at the beginning of the current line.If a numeric argument is supplied, this command acts as a toggle: ifthe characters at the beginning of the line do not match the valueof comment-begin, the value is inserted, otherwisethe characters in comment-begin are deleted from the beginning ofthe line.In either case, the line is accepted as if a newline had been typed.The default value of comment-begin causes this commandto make the current line a shell comment.If a numeric argument causes the comment character to be removed, the linewill be executed by the shell.

The transparency of data points, with 1.0 being completely opaque and 0.0 fully transparent. In scatter, histogram, bar, and column charts, this refers to the visible data: dots in the scatter chart and rectangles in the others. In charts where selecting data creates a dot, such as the line and area charts, this refers to the circles that appear upon hover or selection. The combo chart exhibits both behaviors, and this option has no effect on other charts. (To change the opacity of a trendline, see trendline opacity .) ff782bc1db

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