Alan Munn, in the comments, has made me aware of another package todo that seems to be simpler than todonotes but a little more powerful than \marginpar. Though I've not used it so I don't know for sure.

The todonotes package mentioned above can be customized to show various types of notes. It is also possible to create a summary of all notes, for example at the end of the document. Here is an example:

Todonotes Package Download

Download File šŸ”„ šŸ”„

Notice the \thiswillnotshow note which is disabled using the disable option in the header. This can be used to turn off each type of note globally. Todonotes can also be used in the caption of tables and figures, though only provided that the inline option is used with these notes.

Another possibility is the fixme package. It supports several ways of outputting the notes. You can have them directly inside the text, in the page margin, or as a list at the end of the document. You can even combine the methods.

It comes with support for different authors and different levels of severity. "Notes" and "comments" will simply be ignored if you compile the document with final option, while "errors" will produce compilation errors. In draft mode they will all be printed with different markup. Every author gets his/her own prefix, that is added to the note.

The todonotes package suggested by MLC has colour built in.The \todo command can take several options, including color. This voids the need for making own commands if you just want to quickly colour your notes.The list of options can be found here: PDF

There could be various reasons for an error while using the todonotes package. Some common reasons include incorrect syntax, missing packages, or conflicts with other packages. It is recommended to check the documentation and troubleshoot the issue accordingly.

Todonotes can be customized by changing the options in the package. This includes changing the color, size, and position of the notes. Additionally, the package also allows for the creation of custom commands for specific types of notes.

To add a note in a specific location, you can use the command \todo{note text}. This will insert a note at the current location in the document. Alternatively, you can also use the \todo[color=yellow]{note text} command to add a colored note at the current location.

Once you have inserted some of this todo or missing figure notes, you can easily generate a list of them to keep track of the remaining aspects of the document. You can accomplish this using \listoftodos. The list of todos looks like:

If you want the todo list to appear as an entry in the table of contents of the document, you can use the command \todototoc just before the \listoftodos. If you want to change the title name of the list, you can pass it as an optional argument \listoftodos[title]. I should also mention that if you load the hyperref package using \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}, it makes a powerful combination with the \listoftodos, since it links every entry with its note.

If you want this caption to actually appear inside the todo note as a short description, you can use the prepend option. Again, in case you loaded the package so as to make prepend the default option, noprepend will prevent the insertion of the caption inside the note.

The \missingfigure[options]{text} command also accepts some options, which are mainly for appearance. The figwidth option sets the width of the figure to any valid dimension in LaTeX; similarly works the figheight in this case changing the height of the figure. Finally, the figcolor option sets the background color of the missing figure; again, the color can be any valid color in the xcolor package.

The package has also some loading options that are worth mentioning. In the first place, todonotes has some translations, and you can pass the name of the langauge as an option, which include: catalan, croatian, danish, dutch, english, french, german, italian, portuguese, spanish and swedish.

Finally, you can pass the package most of the \todo command options; doing this, you can customize the aspect of all notes. In any case, the parameters that you pass to a given note have prevalence over the general parameters for that note.

This is due to the tocdepth parameter. Just before the \listoftodos

command, add \setcounter{tocdepth}{10}.I'm not sure what the minimum value of tocdepth must be for

\listoftodos, but setting it to 10 should suffice.--Kevin

It appears to work okay for me. I've attached the test .tex file and

generated PDF. Try compiling the .tex file yourself (you'll have to

run it through pdflatex 2-3 times so it can get the placement

correct). If your PDF doesn't match the one I've attached, send me a

minimal .tex file that demonstrates the problem and I'll look into it

for you.Thanks!--Kevin

On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 9:55 AM, chip wrote:

> I'm embarrassed, as I said...this is obviously not a huge problem for

> me. But, I'm about to delete any reference to todonotes, and so I

> thought I'd check in with my monthly ;) query. Did you get a chance to

> look at the examples that I uploaded of how your simple example file

> exhibits the problem in my directory?

I'm sorry for the late reply; this email somehow fell out of my inbox.I took a look at the PDF but I'm not sure what's causing the problem.Have you tried using the latest version of todonotes.sty? I've

attached a copy of the latest todonotes.sty file. Just place it in

the same directory as your .tex file and recompile the document. (You

may have to clear out any temporary aux and list files first.)If that doesn't solve the problem, send me the .log file and I can

compare some other package versions.Thanks for your patience!--Kevin

I looked at your log file and it appears that most of the packages

you're using are older than the packages I'm using. (I'm running TeX

Live 2010.)Let's try to narrow down which package is causing the problems.I've attached a modified version of the tltodonotes.tex test document.

Ā Try to compile it first and if it looks okay, edit the document and

uncomment the first \usepackage line and recompile. Continue

uncommenting \usepackage lines until you notice the error. (It's

possible that it could be a combination of packages.) If you don't

notice the problem with all of the \usepackage lines uncommented, then

it must be an issue with the Tufte-LaTeX code itself.(Feel free to uncomment the first half of the packages to start and

use a binary search method to narrow down the problem package, if you

prefer.)Thanks for taking the time to help me track down this problem.--Kevin

In LaTeX, you can use the % (percent sign) to comment out a line of text in your source code. If you'd like to include comments that appear in the PDF of your project, you can use the todonotes package.

# jos houtman

Have you tried to pass the 'dvistyle' option to the package? I introduced that option to fix the rendering when the document is compiled with latex instead of pdflatex.

> maybe this is something in my setup,Ā 

> i use midtex with pdflatex but iĀ 

> hope you can help

I haven't heard about the midtex distribution before, do you mean miktex instead?

Which editor do you use (texniccenter, texmaker, ?)

How did you compile the document (from the command line, inside your editor, ...).




indeed the result is different using latex and pdflatex while leaving dvistyle active in both cases. For pdflatex, the notes look as you described (two orange bars and the lines correctly drawn to the position in the text) while for plain latex the lines kind of point to nowhere in particular.Ā 



# Eric

> indeed the result is different usingĀ 

> latex and pdflatex while leavingĀ 

> dvistyle active in both cases.Ā 

Oki, I have now found a difference between a file compiled with latex and a file compiled with pdflatex.

With pdflatex the "Todo list" looks as intended, but with latex the items in the "Todo list" will not have line wraps even if the line is leaving the paper ...

I'll put that on my todo list ;-)

> ... while for plain latex the linesĀ 

> kind of point to nowhere inĀ 

> particular.

With the lines, I assume that you mean the lines that connects the insertion point of the todo (the location in the source where the \todo command is placed) and the showed note in the margin.

If the lines are disconnected from the notes in the margin, I have no clue of what went wrong.

If the end of the lines that should show where the note was inserted is floating around, the document has probably only been compiled once.Ā 

Try to compile your document two times. If the problem persists, I'll appreciate a small example tex file that triggers the problem.



Hi, thanks for a great package.

I am using it with a class file specific to our university which is based on latex baseclass 'book'.

When I use the options "openany, oneside" (these options are passed to baseclass) every thing works fine.Ā 

However when I remove these options, todonotes on even numbered pages (pages on the left side) are out of margin. i.e I cannot see part of the text. When I tried to reduce the textwidth, todonotes on these pages were moving farther away to left. Also todonotes appear on the left side of the margin on these pages.

todonotes on the odd numbered pages appear fine.

Anyidea whats going on and how to fix it?

Right now its not a big issue, as I can use the above mentioned options to avoid this problem. However a fix would be great :).

thanks again.

Hi Hans

For your first problem I don't know what has caused that. If you can give me a description of how I can reproduce the problem I will try to investigate it.

Your guess on a connection between the problem and the hyperref package makes sense, but I cannot test it without a test case ....

Your problem with the "Marinpar in page x moved" is probably caused by placing several todonotes on one page. If two todonotes (they are in fact marginnotes) are goin to overlap, latex will try to move the todonotes up and down on the page to avoid the overlap. To let the user know that the marginpars have been moved, the warning is issued.

Best Henrik 152ee80cbc

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