As I don't complete all my todos on the same day, I need to have one page that will contain all the bullet points tagged with #todo. Bullet points, not links to pages (which is quite easy to achieve).

According to tradition, each new javascript framework is put through its paces in the implementation of a simple todo list app: an app for creating and deleting todo list entries. The first Angular.js example I ever read was a todo list. Adding and removing items from todo lists demonstrates the immediacy of the single-page application view/model relationship.

Todo List Icon Download

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TodoMVC compares and contrasts todo app implementations of popular MV* frameworks including Vue.js, Angular.js, and Ember.js. As a developer researching technology for a new project, it enables you to find the most intuitive and ergonomic choice for your needs.

I talk about the virtues of lists in Inclusive Design Patterns. Alongside headings, lists help to give pages structure. Without headings or lists, pages are featureless and monotonous, making them very difficult to unpick both visually and non-visually.

Fortunately, the accidental deletion of a todo item is not really a critical mistake, so users can safely find out what the icon means through trial and error. Where deletion is critical, a confirmation dialog should be provided, acting as both an explanation and a means to complete the action.

This open source icon is named "todo list" and is licensed under the open source Good Boy license. It's available to be downloaded in SVG and PNG formats (available in 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 PNG sizes).

 It's part of the icon set "Windows 10 Icons", which has 235 icons in it.


 If you need this icon available in another format, it should be pretty straight forward to download it as an SVG image file, and then import it into apps like Adobe Illustrator, Pablo, Photoshop or PicMonkey. Converting it to an ICO, JPEG or WebP image format or file type should also be pretty simple (we hope to add that feature to Iconduck soon).

This icon can be used for both Personal & Commercial purposes and projects, but please check the license to see if the designer is requesting attribution (for example, a link back to their website).

is there a way to for us to add our own alt checkbox?

maybe through css snippet?

if you could point me what to learn for prerequisites that would be helpful.

also what icon are you using for this alt checkbox?

Based upon using Minimal theme in default, I played around and found what I needed to add my own custom icons as alternative checkboxes, and I found that I need two sections with a total of 6 CSS selectors to properly define them.

Every week, a new column would need to be added to the table and filled with the corresponding icon for each current task. Internal columns corresponding to older (now irrelevant) dates should be easily deleted in order to save space, when necessary.

In the Card View Dashboard and the Recent Activity Dashboard, the sidebar contains a To Do list and other sections that help you know what assignments and events are coming up in all of your courses. The sidebar includes specific items for instructor and student roles. If you are enrolled in Canvas courses with more than one user role, your sidebar may show items for both roles.

The To Do section shows up to seven items with due dates or event dates in the upcoming weeks, including ungraded quizzes, assignments that do not require a Canvas submission, and course announcements [1]. Each item in the To Do list displays the assignment name, the course name, the number of points, and the due date for the assignment. Once the due date has passed, items remain in this section for four weeks.

Note: Assignments submitted through Canvas disappear automatically from the To Do list; no-submission assignments (submitted on paper/in class) can only be removed from the list manually.

Hi there! I want to sync my TODOs between my laptop (Arch Linux, i3 WM) and my Android phone. Requirements:

-> Installable on Arch Linux

-> Works when offline

-> Reliable synchronization in both ways using a cost-free service (such as Google Tasks or RememberTheMilk)

-> Tray icon (not a unity indicator, it must be an i3-compatible standard tray icon) that changes its color when there is a task due today (or alternatively shows the number of tasks)

-> Start minimized (tray icon only) and be able to display and hide it (e.g. by clicking the tray icon)

-> Program should not crash

I tried the following already:

-> tasque: tray icon does not change color or show task count, program not stable (frequent crashes and freezes)

-> gtg with tray icon plugin: tray icon does not change color or show task count, sync with RememberTheMilk is not working, once open the window wouldn't minimize again

-> rememberthemilk: it's basically a window displaying their website, no tray icon, no offline state, no minimization feature

-> Google task Chrome plugin: No tray icon because it's a Chrome plugin...

You could also use todo.txt. It uses a plaintext file, so you can use Dropbox, Syncthing etc. It isn't even really an application, it's more of a fileformat, which a lot of applications can use. So there are smartphone apps, a commandline interface, vim plugins, full blown QT GUI frontends etc. I don't know, if there is also an application that does notifications, but you can check:

Almost none of the above laborious and loving listed (currently) 18 points have been realized in the past several months and eufy did not even say something about it or answered or commented or liked it. Most if these points and improvements are kinda easy to realize or implement.

@AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical @AnkerSupport

May i ask again, with the hope to get an answer this time, when you finally will start working of this TODO-List with issues, problems and improvements introduced by expercienced customers, known and listed since over half a year already?! Thanks!

To work off this list, at least most of the points, will not only make your product better and your customers more satisified - it may also let you sleep better and increase you sales! And by the way: Working off this list finally is NO MAGIC

So as it is not possible for me to change my own post / list above (first post), i need to ask @AnkerSupport @AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical or friendly @ndalby to update my list in the first post above as following:

New!: If you just want to set different colours for tags, you can now enable todo-tree.highlights.useColourScheme. This will apply a set of colours (which can be changed) to the tags in the order that they are defined.

icon - used to set a different icon in the tree view. Must be a valid octicon (see ) or codicon (see -codicons/dist/codicon.html). If using codicons, specify them in the format "$(icon)". The icon defaults to a tick if it's not valid. You can also use "todo-tree", or "todo-tree-filled" if you want to use the icon from the activity view.

iconColour - used to set the colour of the icon in the tree. If not specified, it will try to use the foreground colour or the background colour. Colour can be specified as per foreground and background colours, but see note below.

- Collapse all tree nodes - Expand all tree nodes - Show the tree view as a flat list, with the full filename for each TODO - Show the view as a list of tags - Show the tree view as a tree with expandable nodes for each folder (default) - Group the TODOs in the tree by the tag - Organise the TODOs by file (default) - Only show items in the tree which match the entered filter text - Remove any active filter - Rebuild the tree - Show tags from open files only - Show tags from the current file - Show tags from workspace only - Show tags from workspace and open files - Show the current file in the tree - Export the tree content to a file

The contents of the tree can be exported using Todo Tree: Export Tree. A read-only file will be created using the path specified with todo-tree.general.exportPath. The file can be saved using File: Save As.... Note: Currently File: Save does not work which seems to be a VSCode bug (see ).

todo-tree.general.periodicRefreshInteval (0)Interval (in minutes) for automatically refreshing the tree. Set to '0' to disable, or to the number of minutes between refreshes. Note: This is not typically needed as the tree will be refreshed when files change.

todo-tree.general.automaticGitRefreshInterval (0)Polling interval (in seconds) for automatically refreshing the tree when your repository is updated. This will check if your repository HEAD has changed and trigger a rescan of the workspace if it has. This replaces the file watcher functionality. Set to '0' to disable, or to the number of seconds between checks.

todo-tree.general.exportPath (~/todo-tree-%Y%m%d-%H%M.txt)Path to use when exporting the tree. Environment variables will be expanded, e.g ${HOME} and the path is passed through strftime (see ). Set the extension to .json to export as a JSON record.

todo-tree.general.rootFolder ("")By default, any open workspaces will have a tree in the view. Use this to force another folder to be the root of the tree. You can include environment variables and also use ${workspaceFolder}. e.g."todo-tree.general.rootFolder": "${workspaceFolder}/test"or"todo-tree.general.rootFolder": "${HOME}/project".

todo-tree.general.schemes (['file','ssh','untitled'])Editor schemes to find TODOs in. To find TODOs in settings files, for instance, add vscode-userdata or for output windows, add output.

todo-tree.general.revealBehaviour (start of todo)Change the cursor behaviour when clicking a todo in the tree. You can choose from: start of todo (moves the cursor to the beginning of the todo), end of todo (moves the cursor to the end of the todo), start of line (moves the cursor to the start of the line) or leave focus in tree which leaves the focus in the tree, allowing keyboard navigation of the tree. e24fc04721

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