
Current Working Papers

Elder, Todd, Steven Haider, and Cody Orr, 2023. “The Evolution of the Wage Elasticity of Labor Supply over Time.

Altonji, Joseph, Timothy Conley, Todd Elder, and Christopher Taber, 2024. “Methods for Using Selection on Observed Variables to Address Selection on Unobserved Variables.” (Appendix available here.)

Cohen-Zada, Danny, and Todd Elder, 2024. “Measuring and Correcting Monotonicity Bias: The Case of School Entrance Age Effects.” 

Published Articles

Daysal, Meltem, Todd Elder, Judith Hellerstein, Scott Imberman, and Chiara Orsini, forthcoming. “Parental Skills, Assortative Mating, and the Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder,” American Journal of Health Economics

Dickert-Conlin, Stacy, Todd Elder, Bethany Lemont, and Keith Teltser, forthcoming. “Opioids and Organs: How Overdoses Affect the Supply and Demand for Organ Transplants,American Journal of Health Economics

Elder, Todd, and Yuqing Zhou, 2021. “The Black-White Gap in Non-Cognitive Skills among Elementary School Children,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13(1): 105-32.

Elder, Todd, David Figlio, Scott Imberman, and Claudia Persico, 2021. “School Segregation and Racial Gaps in Special Education Identification,” Journal of Labor Economics,  39(S1): S151-S197.

Elder, Todd, David Figlio, Scott Imberman, and Claudia Persico, 2020. “The Role of Neonatal Health in the Incidence of Childhood Disability,” American Journal of Health Economics, 6(2): 216-250.

Dickert-Conlin, Stacy, Todd Elder, and Keith Teltser, 2019. “Allocating Scarce Organs: How a Change in Supply Affects Transplant Waiting Lists,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(4): 210-239. (Appendix available here.)

Cohen-Zada, Danny, and Todd Elder, 2018.  “Religious Pluralism and the Transmission of Religious Values through Education,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 150: 325-349.

Koh, Keumseok, Todd Elder, Sue Grady, Joe Darden, and Igor Vojnovic, 2018. “Explained and Unexplained Racial and Regional Inequality in Obesity Prevalence in the United States,” Ethnicity and Health, 23: 1-14. 

Elder, Todd, John Goddeeris and Steven Haider, 2016. “Racial and Ethnic Infant Mortality Gaps and the Role of Socio-economic Status,” Labour Economics, 43: 42-54.

Elder, Todd, John Goddeeris and Steven Haider, 2015. “Isolating the Role of Individual Covariates in Reweighting Estimation,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(7): 1169-1191.

Elder, Todd and Christopher Jepsen, 2014. “Are Catholic Primary Schools More Effective than Public Primary Schools?” Journal of Urban Economics, 80(2): 28-38.

Elder, Todd, John Goddeeris, Steven Haider, and Nigel Paneth, 2014. “The Changing Character of the Black-White Infant Mortality Gap, 1983-2004,” American Journal of Public Health, 104(S1): S105-S111.

Elder, Todd, 2013. “The Predictive Validity of Subjective Mortality Expectations: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study.” Demography, 50(2): 569-589.

Dickert-Conlin, Stacy, Todd Elder, and Brian Moore, 2011. “Donorcyles: Motorcycle Helmet Laws and the Supply of Organ Donors.”  Journal of Law and Economics, 54(4): 907-935. 

Elder, Todd, John Goddeeris, and Steven Haider, 2011. “A Deadly Disparity: A Unified Assessment of the Black-White Infant Mortality Gap,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 11(1) (Contributions): Article 33.

Elder, Todd, 2010. “The Importance of Relative Standards in ADHD Diagnoses: Evidence Based on a Child’s Date of Birth,” Journal of Health Economics, 29(5): 641-656.

Dickert-Conlin, Stacy, and Todd Elder, 2010. “Suburban Legend: School Cutoff Dates and the Timing of Births,” Economics of Education Review, 29(5): 826-841.

Elder, Todd, John Goddeeris, and Steven Haider, 2010. “Unexplained Gaps and Oaxaca-Blinder Decompositions,” Labour Economics, 17(1): 284-290.

Elder, Todd, and Darren Lubotsky, 2009. “Kindergarten Entrance Age and Children’s Achievement: Impacts of State Policies, Family Background, and Peers,” Journal of Human Resources, 44(3): 641-683.

Cohen-Zada, Danny, and Todd Elder, 2009. “Historical Religious Concentrations and the Effects of Catholic Schooling,” Journal of Urban Economics, 66(1): 65-74.

Altonji, Joseph, Todd Elder, and Christopher Taber, 2008. “Using Selection on Observed Variables to Assess Bias from Unobservables When Evaluating Swan-Ganz Catheterization,” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 98(2): 345-50.

Elder, Todd, and Elizabeth Powers, 2006. “The Incredible Shrinking Program: Trends in SSI Participation of the Elderly,” Research on Aging, 28(3): 341-358.

Altonji, Joseph, Todd Elder, and Christopher Taber, 2005. “Selection on Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools,” Journal of Political Economy, 113(1): 151-184.

 Altonji, Joseph, Todd Elder, and Christopher Taber, 2005. “An Evaluation of Instrumental Variable Strategies for Estimating the Effects of Catholic Schooling,” Journal of Human Resources, 40(4): 791-821.