TÜRKÜ ÖZLÜM ÇELİK Max Planck Research group leader,
for the Mathematical Structures and Applications Research Group
at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
For postdoctoral opportunities with us, please explore Elbe Program.
July: Co-organizer (with Frank Sottile & Seth Sullivant) of 3-day workshop
on Computational Algebraic Geometry in the FoCM 2026 - Foundations of Computatinal Mathematics.
Our new postdoc Guilherme Almeida, March 10.
Speaker at the Numerical February workshop at CSBD & MPI-CBG, Febraury 5.
Seminar talk at MPI-PKS, January 29.
Seminar talk at the Mathematical Physics seminars at HU Berlin, January 7.
Organizing "Numerical February" on 'Applications of Numerical Algebraic Geometry to Biology, Chemistry, and Physics'
at CSBD & MPI-CBG, February 3-6, with S. Amethyst, P. Breiding, V. Borovik, S. Eggleston.
Received the TUD Young Investigator status from the Dresden University of Technology, December.
Organizing a workshop on "The Schottky Problem and Computations" (participation is by invitation only) at MPI-CBG, December.
Seminar talk at the conference "Riemann surfaces: methods and applications", November, Sirius Math Center, Soschi (online).
With Irem Portakal, organizing the 1st Dresden-Leipzig Day, October 30.
Our new postdoc Gulio Zucal, October 1.
An interview with me on our research group's plans for the MPI-CBG & CSBD summer newsletter by Katrin Boes, August.
Invited speaker at MEGA 2024, MPI-MiS Leipzig, July 29 - August 2.
Start for our Mathematical Structures and Applications Research Group, July 1.
Invited speaker at Women and Maths
organized by the Association for Turkish Women in Mathematics, Galatasaray University, March 9.Research visit at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, January 29-30.
Research visit at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, January 25-26.
With Umut Varolgüneş, we organize Koç University Math Seminars.
Reconstruction of curves from their theta hyperplanes in genera 6 and 7 with D. Lehavi, submitted.
Crossing the transcendental divide: from translation surfaces to algebraic curves with S. Fairchild & Y. Mandelshtam;
Experimental Mathematics 34 (2023) 1-19.
On Algebraic Theta Divisors and Rational Solutions of the KP equation with D. Agostini & J. Little;
International Mathematics Research notices (to appear).
Nonlinear Algebra and Applications with P. Breiding, T. Duff, A. Heaton, A. Maraj, A.-L. Sattelberger, L. Venturello,
O. Yürük; Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (2021).
Numerical Reconstruction of Curves from their Jacobians with D. Agostini & D. Eken; Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography, and Coding Theory, AMS book series Contemporary Mathematics (2021).
The Dubrovin threefold of an algebraic curve with D. Agostini & B. Sturmfels; Nonlinearity 34 (2021) 3783-3812.
Wasserstein Distance to Independence Models with A. Jamneshan, G. Montúfar, B. Sturmfels, L. Venturello; Journal of Symbolic Computation 104 (2021) 855-873.
Theta Surfaces with D. Agostini, J. Struwe, B. Sturmfels; Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, (2020). Special issue for Jürgen Jost's 65th birthday.
Optimal Transport to a Variety with A. Jamneshan, G. Montúfar, B. Sturmfels, L. Venturello; Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, MACIS 2019, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11989 (2020) 364-381.
On the Eigenpoints of Cubic Surfaces with F. Galuppi, A. Kulkarni, S.-M. Sorea; Le Matematiche 75 (2020) 2, 611-625.
Tritangents and Their Space Sextics with A. Kulkarni, Y. Ren, M. Sayyary Namin; Journal of Algebra 538 (2019) 290-311.
Non-ordinary curves with a Prym variety of low p-rank with Y. Elias, B. Gunes, R. Newton, E. Ozman, R. Pries, L. Thomas; Women in Numbers Europe II 11 (2018) 117-158.
Architecture level Optimizations for Kummer based HECC on FPGAs, with G. Gallin & A. Tisserand; Progress in Cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2017 (2017) 44-64.