
  • Resources for Accountability and Actions for Black Lives: Live document compiled by Carlisa Johnson. Seeking justice means putting in the work. Say their names, share their stories, but first and foremost, take action. We must help the families of Ahmad Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and the many other Black Americans unjustly murdered and abused by law enforcement and other protectors of white supremacy.

  • Antiracism Resources: This document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. If you haven’t engaged in anti-racism work in the past, start now. Feel free to circulate this document on social media and with your friends, family, and colleagues.

  • Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources: This document was shared in the Anti-Racist Leadership Series sponsored by Leadership Greater Washington. The scaffolded approach organizes resources based on varying levels of understanding of racism.

  • Social Justice Book List:This website includes a wonderful selection of multicultural and social justice books for children, young adults, and educators. It also includes a guide for selecting anti-bias books for children.

  • Coretta Scott King Book Awards:The Coretta Scott King Book Awards are given annually to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. The award commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and honors his wife, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, for her courage and determination to continue the work for peace and world brotherhood.

  • ADL Resources for Parents and Families: During this time of crisis and change, many are home with children of all ages. If you are looking for books to read, ADL’s collection address issues of identity, bias and bullying. Our featured books come with discussion guides for teachers and parents.

  • We Are Teachers Anti-Racism Videos: 21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids. These videos help to explain complex topics to young audiences.

  • The Obama Foundation: President and Michelle Obama started this foundation to create a more just and equitable world. Includes links to projects and organizations that focus on police violence and anti-racism and suggestions for actions that anyone can take to encourage reform.

  • National Equity Project:This website has a variety of resources for school leaders, teachers, and even parents. For example, they have a new series, Resources for navigating the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racial violence, that has lists of videos, articles, etc. specifically geared for educators and educational leaders.

  • MCPS EIU: The Equity Initiatives Unit posts timely articles and other resources that can be used to inform your work and that can help to deepen the conversations about race in equity.

  • Authority Collective:This is a living document of resources for photographers on Anti-Racism work. It covers the Black Lives Matter movement, donations and actions, databases of Black photographers, as well as key issues inherent in the field of photography.