2nd TOCA-SV Day

Friday, May 12, 2017, 9:30 am -- 5:30 pm

Google Building 1950

Parking Information: There are many visitor parking spots here in front of Building 1950, but please consider carpooling. All entrances to Building 1950 are employee-only; we will have someone to assist visitors into the building here or here. The talks will take place in the "Bodega Bay" meeting room on the first floor of Building 1950.

Schedule (tentative)

0930-1000: Breakfast & welcome

1000-1200: Talks

1000-1040: Nima Anari (Stanford), Algorithm Design Using Polynomials

1040-1120: David Woodruff (IBM Almaden), Relative Error Tensor Low Rank Approximation

1120-1200: Amit Daniely (Google), On Learning Theory in the Age of Neural Networks

1200-1300: Lunch (provided)

1300-1500: Talks

1300-1340: Edith Cohen (Google / Tel Aviv University), Beyond distinct counting: Loglog composable sketches for frequency statistics

1340-1420: Parikshit Gopalan (VMware), Coding for distributed storage: beyond rate versus distance

1420-1500: C. Seshadhri (UC Santa Cruz), Counting subgraphs without the whole graph

1500-1530: Break

1530-1700: Student Talks

Paris Syminelakis (Stanford) Hashing-based-Estimators for Kernel Density in High Dimensions

Shweta Jain (UC Santa Cruz) A Fast and Provable Method for Estimating Clique Counts Using Turán's Theorem

Maithra Raghu, Linear Additive Markov Processes

Nika Haghtalab (CMU) Opting into Optimal Matchings

Anilesh Krishnaswamy (Stanford) Metric Distortion of Social Choice Functions

Vaggos Chatziafratis (Stanford) Beyond Worst-Case-Analysis: Stability and Recovery

Hongyang Zhang, Approximate Personalized PageRank on Dynamic Graphs

Weihao Kong, Estimating the Covariance Spectrum

Nathan Manohar (Stanford) T/Key: Time-Based Offline Second Factor Authentication Without Server Secrets

Joshua Wang (Stanford) Cell-Probe Lower Bounds from Online Communication Complexity