Toby McCosker

Toby McCosker - Signs That You Are Destined to Work as a Real Estate Agent

After spending countless years working with sales agents and witnessing their rise and fall, Toby McCosker believe that a career in real estate isn't for the faint of heart. With cutthroat competitors ready to pounce on potential clients, the industry is pretty much like the corporate world's Hunger Games counterpart; only with smartly-dressed tributes. Now, if you're wondering if you can survive and excel as a sales agent, look no further. This brief guide is here to help aspiring real estate specialists decide if they are cut out for this battle.

Real estate specialists are:

1. Deemed as the Mr./Ms. Congeniality of the business world.

It's a no-brainer that being agreeable and savvy with words is a characteristic that every agent should posses. As a job that requires one to interact with different people, a person looking to dwell in real estate must be a true blue extrovert. However, it is also not too late for aspiring agents who are on the modest side. After all, social butterflies can be both born and bred.

2. Invulnerable to rejections

No matter how suave an agent is, there'll always be objections and moments where they get a cold, hard 'no' for an answer.

Toby McCosker says getting a career in sales, particularly in real estate will cultivate an individual emotionally by providing plenty of occasions where they have to deal with rejections. It's inevitable, pretty much like winter after autumn. A renowned guest speaker once said that sales is a numbers game where an agent has to try a ridiculous amount of times before he finally gets it right. It's true. It all boils down to the courage to get up and try again.

3. Their own boss/their client's attendant

Aside from being in control of their own schedule, property sales specialists get to enjoy the freedom over how much moolah they can make. But down the road, they realize that being in sales doesn't make them the total overlord of the trade. The truth is, the client is in charge and to assure the overall welfare of the business, the boss' needs and demands should be brought center and upfront.

4. Go-getters

In this industry, an agent doesn't get the privilege to choose between the role of chasing and being chased. In fact, it will always be the agent who will do all the chasing. And in a market filled with cutthroat competitors, holding down a potential client is no joke. A sales pro in the making should be courageous, has genuine passion for what they are doing, and is willing to go lengths to reach their goals.