Hassel A and Wiß T (eds) (2019) The Political Economy of Pension Financialisation: Public Policy Responses to the Crisis. Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy 26/4: 483-636. - Reprinted as: Hassel A and Wiß T (eds) (2019) The Political Economy of Pension Financialisation. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-367-36835-7.
Wiß T (2011) Der Wandel der Alterssicherung in Deutschland: Die Rolle der Sozialpartner [Changing Pensions in Germany: The Role of Social Partners]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Walenta-Bergmann C and Wiß T (accepted for publication) The politics of subnational social policy: social consumption vs. social investment in Austria. Journal of European Social Policy.
Fernández JJ, Wiß T and Anderson KM (2023) Issue salience and feedback effects: the case of pension reforms. Journal of European Public Policy OnlineFirst.
Wiß T and Wohlgemuth F (2023) The politics of disaggregated family policy: The role of party ideology and women's political representation in governments. Social Policy & Administration 57/7:1117–1134.  
Wiß T and Greve B (2020) A comparison of the interplay of public and occupational work-family policies in Austria, Denmark, Italy and the United Kingdom. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis  22/5: 440457.
Wiß T, Schmidthuber L and Bordone V (2020) Quality of working conditions, sector of employment and age at retirement. Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies 31/2: 145–166. [pdf]
Wiß T (2019) Reinforcement of pension financialisation as a response to financial crises in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Journal of European Public Policy 26/4: 501-520.  
Hassel A, Naczyk, M and Wiß T (2019) The political economy of pension financialisation: public policy responses to the crisis. Journal of European Public Policy 26/4: 483-500. 
Wiß T (2018) Divergent occupational pensions in Bismarckian countries: the case of Germany and Austria. Transfer – The European Review of Labour and Research 24/1: 91–107. [pdf]
Wiß T (2017) Paths towards family-friendly working time arrangements: comparing workplaces in different countries and industries. Social Policy & Administration 51/7: 1406–1430.
Wiß T (2017) Employee representatives’ influence on continuing vocational training: the impact of institutional context. European Journal of Industrial Relations 23/2: 169–185. [pdf]
Wiß T (2015) From welfare states to welfare sectors: explaining sectoral differences in occupational pensions with economic and political power of employees. Journal of European Social Policy 25/5: 489–504.
Wiß T (2015) Pension fund vulnerability to the financial market crisis: the role of trade unions. European Journal of Industrial Relations 21/2: 131–147. [pdf]
Wiß T (2014) Betriebliche Familienpolitik: Österreich im europäischen Vergleich [Occupational family policy: Austria in comparison with European countries]. Kontraste 08/2014: 18–32.
Wiß T (2012) Rentenprivatisierung in Bismarck-Ländern: Zur Rolle der Sozialpartner als Vetospieler [Pension privatisation in Bismarckian countries: the role of social partners as veto players]. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 3/2012: 467–492. [pdf]
Wiß T (2012) Der Ausbau der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge: Soziale Ungleichheiten für Beschäftigte bei gleichzeitiger Wiederbelebung der Sozialpartner [The take off of occupational pensions: social inequalities for employees and revival of social partners]. Sozialer Fortschritt 61/7: 165–172. [pdf]
Ebbinghaus B and Wiß T (2011) Taming pension fund capitalism in Europe: collective and state regulation in times of crisis. Transfer – The European Review of Labour and Research 17/1: 15–28. [pdf] 


Ebbinghaus B and Wiß T (2024) The political economy of pension policy. In: Greve B, Moreira A and van Gerven M (eds) Handbook on the Political Economy of Social Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 190204.
Wiß T (2022) Continental European welfare states. In: Greve B (ed) De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 65-84.
Wiß T (2020) Lebensstandardsicherung durch betriebliche Altersvorsorge? Deutschland im Vergleich. In: Blank F, Hofmann M and Buntenbach A (eds) Neustart in der Rentenpolitik – Analysen und Perspektiven. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 207–233.
Anderson K, van der Zwan N and Wiß T (2019) Betriebliche Altersversorgung und nachhaltiges Investment. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Niederlande und Dänemark. In: Hurrelmann K, Karch H and Traxler C (eds) MetallRente Studie 2019: Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 142–149. 
Mätzke M and Wiß T (2017) Paradoxical decisions in German long-term care: expansion of benefits as a cost-containment strategy. In: Greve B (ed.) Long-term Care for the Elderly in Europe – Developments and Prospects. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 126–144. [pdf]
Wiß T (2015) Geringere Verluste von Betriebspensionen in Finanzmarktkrisen durch den Einbezug von Gewerkschaften? [Fewer pension fund losses in times of financial market crises through trade union involvement?] In: Seckauer H, Stelzer-Orthofer C and Kepplinger B (eds) Das Vorgefundene und das Mögliche – Beiträge zur Gesellschafts- und Sozialpolitik zwischen Ökonomie und Moral. Wien: Mandelbaum, pp. 243–266.
Ebbinghaus B, Gronwald M and Wiß T (2011) Germany: departing from Bismarckian public pensions. In: Ebbinghaus B (ed.) The Varieties of Pension Governance – Pension Privatization in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 119–150. [pdf]
Ebbinghaus B and Wiß T (2011) The governance and regulation of private pensions in Europe. In: Ebbinghaus B (ed.) The Varieties of Pension Governance – Pension Privatization in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 351–383. [pdf] 


Wiß T (2014) Book review of Marin B (2013) Welfare in an idle society? Reinventing retirement, work, wealth, health, and welfare. Czech Sociological Review 50/3: 455–458. [pdf] 


Wiß T, Anderson KM and van der Zwan N (2024) Nachhaltige Investitionen in der betrieblichen Altersversorgung - Die Rolle von Mitbestimmungsakteuren in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Dänemark  [Sustainable investments in occupational pension schemes - The role of co-determination actors in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark]. HBS Study 492. Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
Wiß T and Wohlgemuth F (2023) Familienpolitik im internationalen Vergleich. beziehungsweise – Informationsdienst des Österreichischen Instituts für Familienforschung November 2023: 14. 
Rathgeb, P and Wiß, T (2020) Österreichische Familienpolitik verstärkt Geschlechterungleichheit - Kurzanalyse für das Momentum Institut. Wien: Momentum Institut. [pdf]
Van der Zwan N, Anderson K and Wiß T (2019) Pension funds and sustainable investment: comparing regulation in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany. Netspar Working Paper Academic Series DP 05/2019-023. Tilburg: Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement. 
Wiß T (2019) The political economy of pension financialisation: public policy response to the crisis. JEPP Online blog, March 9. 
Iller C, Berger K, George J, Hauser-Ditz A and Wiß T (2016) Unterstützung der Interessenvertretung in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung in Deutschland und Österreich [Support of Works Councils in Continuing Vocational Training in Germany and Austria]. HBS Study 322. Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
Iller C, Berger K, George J, Hauser-Ditz A, Hucker T and Wiß T (2015) Weiterbildung – Betriebsräte unterstützen [Continuing Vocational Training – Supporting Works Councils]. Hildesheim.
Iller C and Wiß T (2014) Einflussmöglichkeiten betrieblicher Interessenvertretung auf die betriebliche Weiterbildung [Influence of employee representatives on continuing vocational training]. AMS Info 294/295.
Wiß T (2011) Pension fund capitalism and financial crisis. Working Paper Political Science Series Nr.126. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS).