Toba Wisata

Taman Simalem Resort

Jalan-jalan ke Taman Simalem Resort mungkin menjadi impian banyak orang. Bagi mereka yang belum mengerti tentulah isu ini membuat mereka penasaran dan pengen tahu apa itu Taman Simalem Resort sesungguhnya. Nah, kami ingin memberikan informasi kepada anda bahwa taman simalem resort memang asyik. Inilah sebuah keunikan rahasia tersembunya tentang keindahan Danau Toba dari sudut utara danau.

Kami travel agent di Kota Medan yang bergerak dalam penyediaan paket wisata di Sumatera Utara termasuk paket tour taman simalem resort mendesain program khusus untuk mengunjungi Danau Toba dari sebuah tempat di mana di lokasi ini terkumpul keindahan, hunian, taman, kebun dan tempat untuk mengeksplor hutan melalui program adventure di hutan lindung Sumatera yang membuat anda terkesan sangat dalam.

Hotel yang tersedia di lokasi ini setara dengan hotel bintang 4 terdiri dari gedung hotel utama dengan dua view yaitu view Danau Toba dan view hutan yang membawa anda hidup serasa alami. Selain hotel, ada penginapan di tengah hutan dan di pinggir sungai alami bukan buatan serta di dekat air terjun di tengah hutan. Itulah indahnya program paket wisata taman simalem resort yang kami tawarkan kepada anda.

Holbung Hill in Samosir

One of the many tourist destinations that are part of the tour program to Lake Toba is located on Samosir Island. One of the most attractive objects is Samosir, one of them is Huta Holbung as the part of tour samosir.

Because of its majestic nature and super awesome beauty, tourists from outside the area already know it. This tourist spot is known as Holbung Hill which is more than 200 years old. In addition to natural beauty, local people are known to live in harmony and peace so that tourists who join the paket tour samosir feel comfortable enjoying their vacation here.

Holbung Hill adds a tourist attraction as a reason for people to come and tour in Samosir Island. The infrastructure has not yet been maximized, making Holbung Hill not yet part of the paket tour danau toba program.

Therefore, only special interests can visit this location which is combined with the Lake Toba tour package program. The uniqueness of this location causes local residents to call it Teletubbies Hill. It was called that in the children's film ''Teletubbies'' which the elementary school children were interested in.

However, of course its beauty exceeds Teletubbies because this is in the real world not in the film. To go to Holbung Hill, you have to prepare everything, the most important thing is health readiness to make sure all are in good condition. This is why the paket wisata samosir is the only tour program in North Sumatera that has so many response from customers.