Privacy Policy

When using the Android app "To Do List Reminder Biorhythm” we do not collect and do not transfer any personal data to external servers or third parties.

The only personal data that you provides when want to use a biorhythm is your date of birth.

This data is stored locally on the device, is private and is protected against access by other applications.

When communicating with us by e-mail, your e-mail address is stored but never shared. You can always request its removal.

For statistical and analytical purposes, anonymous statistical data is collected to improve applications, services and to fix errors along with user feedback and is stored on third party servers (Google).

You retain the sole right to your personal data, we will never share or sell your personal data to third parties.

However, if you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy or the Service, please write to us at the following e-mail address:

Best regards
