Why should you put your data in a table? When your data is in a table, then as you add or remove items from the list, any drop-downs you based on that table will automatically update. You don't need to do anything else.

Select in the Source  box, then select your list range. We put ours on a sheet called Cities, in range A2:A9. Note that we left out the header row, because we don't want that to be a selection option:

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If the list of entries for your drop-down list is on another worksheet and you want to prevent users from seeing it or making changes, consider hiding and protecting that worksheet. For more information about how to protect a worksheet, see Lock cells to protect them.

You can download an example workbook with multiple data validation examples like the one in this article. You can follow along, or create your own data validation scenarios. Download Excel data validation examples.

Start by making a list of valid entries on a sheet, and sort or rearrange the entries so that they appear in the order you want. Then you can use the entries as the source for your drop-down list of data. If the list is not large, you can easily refer to it and type the entries directly into the data validation tool.

Why should you put your data in a table? When your data is in a table, then as you add or remove items from the list, any drop-downs you based on that table automatically update. You don't need to do anything else.

If you already made a table with the drop-down entries, select in the Source  box, and then select and drag the cells that contain those entries. However, do not include the header cell. Just include the cells that should appear in the drop-down. You can also just type a list of entries in the Source  box, separated by a comma like this:

After you create your drop-down list, make sure it works the way you want. For example, you might want to check to see if Change the column width and row height to show all your entries. If you decide you want to change the options in your drop-down list, see Add or remove items from a drop-down list. To delete a drop-down list, see Remove a drop-down list.

Just recently, the data validation I have set up for my worksheets no longer shows a dropdown list or arrow in the cell for my users. You can start typing something in, and it will give options close to what you've typed in if it's on the list but it no longer gives a dropdown list to choose from. I do have the appropriate boxes checked to allow for that and it's still not working. It's incredibly frustrating to find more and more things no longer work properly since the most recent update.

Lastly, if Freeze Panes has been applied to the neighboring column (on the right) and the horizontal scroll position is too far to the right, the drop-down arrow may appear to be missing when all you need to do is scroll back over to the left.

If none of these suggestions apply to your situation, it's possible the workbook has become corrupted. You could try restoring the file from a backup (if available) to see if the problem exists in a prior version of the file; or, try recreating the data validation rules in a new worksheet to see if the problem persists.

I am a total newbie in Alteryx Designer and need your help. I would like to create a list with all sheets of excel files from a directory. I am not interested in the content of the sheets (yet). I just want a list in the form:

I tried a batch macro for this: Read in Multiple Excel Files, with Multiple Tabs that have Different Schemas (alteryx.com) but omitted the second part (macro), since I don't want to open the sheets.

You basically want a directory tool hooked into a batch macro - macro is set up for input and just takes the sheet names from the batch macro and choose the "sheet names only" option. - then a macro output... Kinda like the attached file...

First of all, thank you for this solution. I downloaded it and after changing the path in the Directory tool, it does exactly what I want it to do. The only thing that puzzles me is that the Input Data tool in the macro has a path to a file on your C-drive, or at least that's what appears to be the case, since I don't C:\Users\micha folder. C:\Users\micha\Downloads\XML STR008R2_Excel.xlsx

When I change the file in this tool to something on my system, the macro stops working. I can't figure out how it can work only with this file. I must be missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That file reference is just a placeholder or model. If you want to change to a placeholder that is meaningful to you, I think you can select an xlsx file on your pc but make sure to select Import a list of sheet names.

Yup - you need a placeholder in a macro/app for setting the base execution. you do not need to include the file - and this can show as an error prior to execution. Ideally you can reset this to a test file on your own system -but (and this the key part...)

Your action tool connected to your input/output data tool must be adjusted for the new location. Depending upon the setup of the action tool (ie if it's in update value mode) - it is looking for a specific string to replace (say a path to my harddrive). If this string is in the tool - that's fine - it works. If this string has been modified in the tool - but hasn't been modified in the action tool - then the action tool will not be able to update the value and the macro won't work.

I love this very simple approach! I was able to get it to work with a couple test files that were different variations of the same file. However, when I try to do it with another folder that contains various types of XLSX files, I get the schema error.

Looks like some changes were made in MSFT end and the way to work with SharePoint lists has changed. I was able to copy up to 100 rows from Excel and paste them into SharePoint lists following this steps:

It was easy-peasy, now, I have a list with over 25k rows, and we update this about once a week, this was the fastest way to do this, and now, even when I take a lot of time scrolling down to the last row to find the '+' icon, it wouldn't let me paste more than 1 row from Excel, it only allows to paste 1 single row at a time. 

So, do you guys know if this is a glitch or is this new way things will work for SharePoint lists online?

Hi @YavapaiR 

I don't have any details about if there is an issue currently but I believe you can save some time on the "even when I take a lot of time scrolling down to the last row to find the '+' icon" step by creating an empty view to insert the data.

Thanks for the suggested approach, good one! However, it doesn't solve the fact that we can't paste more than one row at a time from Excel to the SP list, whereas we were able to paste 100 at a time, I would like to know if this is happening only on my end or if it's something rolled out by MSFT \_()_/

Just hit this problem, if it's a relatively small amount of rows, in Edit In Grid View mode, you need to click "+ Add New", then click the bar next to the radio button on the row (which highlights the whole row), then you can paste multiple entries into the list (thanks to my colleague Kevin for that!)

Hi there! I'm trying to get a list of sheet names for a sheet that I feed the filepath (eg C:\excel.xlsx) into a Dynamic Input tool. I receive a message saying "No sheet specified, you must specify a sheet". I don't know what the sheet names are, hence trying to get a list of sheet names. Is there a different configuration that I need to do for this?

I have an Excel table with a date column and a corresponding SharePoint list also with that same date column called Date. In Power Automate, I want to list the rows present in this table, then create an item in the SharePoint list for each row enumerated this way.

The problem is that Power Automate erroneously converts the date column into a text field with some 5-digit number, crikey, why?? Then SharePoint moans because its not the expected type, lol. I tried to replace the Date-type field with a TXT-type field on SharePoint and the flow now works but the date comes through as this arbitrary 5-digit number, like 47238. What's worse, I can't even explicitly tell Excel to observe this column as a TXT one, it automatically converts to a Date type whenever I enter something looking like "15/05/2017".

I found some code that converts this 5-digit number into the correct dd-MM-yyyy format, which now corrects the date to a format I want; 15/05/2017 but again, SharePoint moans that the type is not correct, oh woe is me.

Compose 3 throws an error...

"InvalidTemplate. Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Compose_3' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'item' must not have any parameters.'."

"Flow save failed with code 'InvalidTemplate' and message 'The template validation failed: 'The workflow action 'Compose_3' at line '1 and column '3080' references the action 'Compose_2' of type 'Compose': only the actions of type 'foreach' are allowed to be referenced by 'repeatItems' or 'items' functions.'.'."

@fnanfne internally Excel stores dates as an integer not as what we would know as a date. These days you don't need to do the addDays expression suggested by @ManishSolanki (although that works very well); in your list rows present in a table action click on show advanced options and in the DateTime Format field select ISO 8601. That will convert the date to a normal date format which you can use later in your flow. 152ee80cbc

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