Applied Optimization I


Tatiana Polishchuk, Anastasia Lemetti, 

The DEADLINE for final individual assignments is  October 21, 23:59 

Lecture 7 on October 9 on request only ! Email Tatiana if you need help!

Course description

Course literature

Textbook:  Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.Video material: MIT OpenCourseware (MIT-OCW)

Lectures (room SP34) 

Lecture 1:  Mon August 28, 13:15 - 17:00 slides L01, slides L02       To prepare: read textbook Chapters 22, 24 ( in part IV Graph algorithms)                                + video material: MIT OCW Lect 13, Lect 14, Lect 17,                                   + YT videos:  graph theory application, complexitytopsort1, topsort2 , BFS, DFS1, DFS2, Dijkstra alg 1, Dijkstra alg 2 , Bellman Ford
Lecture 2:  Mon September 4 , 13:15 - 17:00 slides L03, slides L04       To prepare: read textbook Chapters 23 (Minimum spanning trees),  Section 6 (Heaps, priority queues), Section 21 (Disjoint Sets), Chapter 29 (LP)                                                 + reading material:  LP review, IP formulation guide                                 + video material: MIT OCW  Lect 12, Lect 8, Lect 13, Lect 15                                 + YT videos: Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Binary Heap, Priority queue, Union Find, Union-Find operations on disjoint sets, Maximum flow 1, 2,   Graphical method, Duality 1, 2, VRP example, Cutting plane method 1, 2, Separation problem, Branch and Bound 1, 2, 3
Lecture 3:  Mon September  11 , 13:15 - 17:00 slides L05, slides L06To prepare: read textbook Chapters 35 (Approximation algorithms)                                + video material: MIT OCW  Lect9                                 + YT videos: Approximation algorithms, Local search 1, 2, 3, Neighborhood Search 1, 2Greedy for binary knapsack, 2-opt for TSP , Eulerian tour,  Tabu search 1, 2, Simulated annealing, +with genetic algorithm, Genetic algorithms 1, 2, 3 , for TSP 
Lecture 4:  Mon September 18, 13:15 - 17:00 slides L07, slides L08To prepare: read LP relaxation, Lagrangian dualityLagrangian relaxation Chapters 16 and 17  in the Network Flows book, Lagrangian duality and TSP relaxation slides                                + video lectureLagrangian relaxation                                 + YT videos: duality (weak and strong),  Lagrangian, Lagrangian duality,  TSP Lower bound,  Matchings, Subgradient
Lecture 5:  Mon September 25, 13:15 - 17:00 slides L09, slides10To prepare: read textbook Chapters 34 (NP-completeness)                                + video material: MIT OCW Lect 16                                   + YT videos:  Complexity theory, Big-O notation, Bipartite matchings, Satisfiability Problem
Lecture 6:  Mon October 2,  13:15 - 17:00 Review session (slides), preparation for the final examination.
Lecture 7: Mon October 9 13:15 - 15:00 final meeting (on demand: please, email Tatiana or Anastasia to request their help).

Labs  (room TP4003): lab instructor Anastasia Lemetti

Lab1:  Fri  September 1, 13:15 - 15:00, HW1  help session :  submission deadline START of NEXT LAB: September 8, 13:15Lab2:  Fri  September 8, 13:15 - 15:00,  HW2 help session :  submission deadline START of NEXT LAB: September 15, 13:15Lab3:  Fri  September 15, 13:15 - 15:00, HW3 help session : submission deadline START of NEXT LAB: September 22, 13:15Lab4: Fri  September 22, 13:15 - 15:00, HW4 help session : submission deadline START of NEXT LAB: September 29, 13:15Lab5: Fri  September 29,  13:15 - 15:00  HW5 help session : submission deadline October 6, 13:15.

Individual take-home  final assignments due October 21, 23:55