

[12] Shosaku Matsuzaki and Tomo Murao, 

(Co)homology of racks and multiple group racks for compact oriented surfaces in the 3-sphere.

[11] Atsushi Ishii and Tomo Murao, 

Derivatives with MCQ Alexander pairs for handlebody-knots.


[10] Tomo Murao,

4-move inequivalent handlebody-links and f-twisted Alexander matrices,

to appear in Osaka. J. Math.

[9] Tomo Murao,

On sufficiency of the definition of MCQ Alexander pairs in terms of invariants for handlebody-knots,

Beitr. Algebra Geom. 64 (2023), no. 3, 689--719.

[8] Tomo Murao,

Affine extensions of multiple conjugation quandles and augmented MCQ Alexander pairs,

Topology Appl. 301 (2021), 107531, 20 pp.

[7] Tomo Murao,

The tunnel number and the cutting number with constituent handlebody-knots,

Topology Appl. 292 (2021), 107632, 14 pp.

[6] Tomo Murao,

Linear extensions of multiple conjugation quandles and MCQ Alexander pairs,

J. Algebra Appl. 20 (2021), no. 3, 2150045, 19 pp.

[5] Atsushi Ishii, Shosaku Matsuzaki and Tomo Murao,

A multiple group rack and oriented spatial surfaces,

J. Knot Theory Ramifications 29 (2020), no. 7, 2050046, 20 pp.

[4] Tomo Murao,

A relationship between multiple conjugation quandle/biquandle colorings,

Kobe J. Math. 36 (2019), no. 1--2, pp. 57--78

[3] Yusuke Iijima and Tomo Murao,

On connected component decompositions of quandles,

Tokyo J. Math. 42 (2019), no. 1, 63--82.

[2] Tomo Murao,

The Gordian distance of handlebody-knots and Alexander biquandle colorings,

J. Math. Soc. Japan 70 (2018), no. 4, 1247--1267.

[1] Tomo Murao,

On bind maps for braids,

J. Knot Theory Ramifications 25 (2016), no. 2, 1650004, 25 pp.


[8] 村尾 智, “ハンドル体結び目と多重共役カンドル彩色について”, 早稲田大学数学教育学会誌, (2022), 第40巻, 第1号.

[7] T. Murao, “On invariants for handlebody-knots and spatial surfaces”, Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, RIMS Kˆokyuˆroku, No. 2191, (2021)

[6] T. Murao, “Multiple conjugation quandle colorings for handlebody-knots”, Quandles and Symmetric Spaces, OCAMI Reports Vol. 4, (2021), 15–17.

[5] 村尾 智, “ハンドル体結び目の MCQ ねじれ Alexander 不変量”, 研究集会「結び目の数理 III」報告集, (2021), 1–9.

[4] 村尾 智, “Coloring invariants for oriented spatial surfaces”, 研究集会「結び目の数理 II」 報告集, (2020), 9 pp.

[3] 村尾 智, “ハンドル体結び目の cutting 数と constituent ハンドル体結び目”, 研究集会「結 び目の数学 X」報告集, (2018) 284–289.

[2] 村尾 智, “ハンドル体結び目の (同辺) 結び目解消数と Alexander バイカンドルの G 族彩 色”, 研究集会「結び目の数学 IX」報告集, (2017) 95–102.

[1] 村尾 智, “On bind maps for braids”, 研究集会「結び目の数学 VII」報告集, (2015), 37–44.