Above & Beyond

Hello CCMI. I am typing this to you to tell I want to join your team on the trip to Little Cayman. I will look and study the sea animals for educational purposes. By LW

Dear CCMI 

I would like to go to Little Cayman because I have never been out of the Island in 7 years. And I would like to ​explore places like Little Cayman to have memories from primary school since I will be graduating next year. And I would love to explore the amazing sea creatures.  And I also have never been snorkeling in my whole 11 years of living so this would be a new thing to learn. Hopefully I will get chosen so I could go and explore Little Cayman for the first time and I would also like to save the turtles.

Yours Truly


The wonderful sea  


The sea the sea 

Filled with turtles and corals.  

The sea the sea 

You’re like a magic portal. 


The sea the sea. 

Your crashing waves sound like a melody. 

The sea the sea 

I know all musicians are filled with jealousy. 


The sea the sea 

I am always delighted to see you. 

The sea the sea 

I am always willing to help you. 



The sea the sea  

You are my magic portal.  

The sea the sea 

I hope you are always immortal.  




Why I should win. 


Dear CCMI, 


Hi, I am C.V. from T.M.P.S and I think I should be one of the winners. I will be stating three reasons why I should win. I hope you like my letter and I hope I can be one of the winners. 


I would love to have the experience to go to the one and only … Little Cayman. I believe that Little Cayman is a wonderful place full of beautiful creatures with amazing places to visit. I know that The Cayman Islands has so much to offer to visitors and I would love to take an offer from the one and only … Little Cayman! 

Additionally, I as a Yr.6 student would love to learn about Little Cayman. This magical place has so many creatures living within it. I would love to learn about the grouper fishes, mangroves and so much more. Hopefully I get chosen and live my dream for three days at least. 


By learning about so many beautiful creatures I can even help with wildlife. It shall be my pleasure to help. I am willing to help the amazing creatures of the one and only………...Little Cayman. 


It is extremely easy to see why I should be one of the winners. Therefore, I would love to have the experience, would love to learn about Little Cayman and would love to help with the wildlife in the one and only ……... Little Cayman! 

Why I Would Like to Win a Trip to Little Cayman 

Little Cayman's wildlife is brand new to me, they might have peculiar animals that might not be in Grand Cayman. As I stay prolonged there, I will get used to its wildlife. When I get used to its wildlife, I can learn how to help animals there. 


I would like to win a trip to Little Cayman because I am curious about the wildlife there. I live in Grand Cayman, and I have visited Cayman Brac a few times, but I would really love to see animals that I might not see in Grand Cayman. This opportunity would help me discover new wildlife unique to Little Cayman and educate me on how to protect and help animals there, especially if they are endangered. Having an experience like this would be a dream for me because I believe that protecting the wildlife on all three islands is important for our future. 


When I clean up trash from places it makes me feel like I have done something to help the world be a wonderful place because all around the world people are throwing away things that can be changed into clothes or other things. 


I make dozens of posters, but no one really notices them because people say that my drawing skills are bad, so I show them to my family and put them around the house so that people at least know about it. 

By J.D.

Dear CCMI,

  I would like to go to Little Cayman so I can witness the beauty of the island and that I can see the beautiful fishes and Rock Iguanas. I want to learn more. By BB

Dear CCMI,

I would love to come to Little Cayman because I have never been to Little Cayman or snorkeling. I have always dreamed of exploring the three sister isles and this would be the one that would truly make me happy. I love to learn about the world and the way it works. I would love to learn about Little Cayman and its nature. By NH

Dear CCMI,                                                                                                                                                                     


I would like to go to little Cayman because I have never been out of Grand Cayman in seven years. And I also never been snorkeling my whole 11 years of living, And I feel like it would be a fun experience to learn about the different sea creatures we might not have in Grand Cayman. And since I am in the 6th grade this trip will be an amazing memory before I graduate and go to High School and this will be an fun and educating opportunity to go to little Cayman. And I heard that little Cayman has the LARGEST breeding population of red-footed Boobies in the western hemisphere and awesome Iguanas and that sounds really cool to me. So I hope to get chosen.