Tape Measure Powered Drag Racing

What is it?

It is racing model cars using tape measures as the power source. Tape measures essentially are the engines. I have noticed over the years that people will race anything. We race each other in vehicles, in planes, in boats, on bikes, on foot.... then RC cars, boats and planes. Not to mention different animals. Then people will race on who can complete a certain task the fastest, like chopping wood, eating food and so on. 

Well a couple years ago I was measuring something, and I let go of the tape measure and it zipped across the table quite quickly. So, after trying out several different methods of helping the tape measure move easier across a surface, I decided that it should remain fixed, pulling a car. After a few trials, I figured that around 1:24 and 1:25 scale cars work best. They can be models or prebuilt if the parameters are met. Underweight cars can just have weight added. You would think all tape measures are the same, but I have come to find that some are actually faster than others, even when the same brand is used. I would like to think the random drawing of the tape measures adds to "car troubles" or "human errors".  That way the faster or lighter cars can still be beaten. 

On the 5th different release method, I believe I have found the best way to attach the cars to the tape measures that does not damage either one.... velcro. This came about after about 450 races using magnets.  The finish line needs to be records with slow motion camera to determine a winner. These cars are moving around 12.5mph...and it is difficult to see with the naked eye. I use an iPhone with the slo-mo setting.

The Rules

I now have 115 active cars and  70 tape measures, with more being added frequently.  That should call for some good variety of racing. 

Here is a quick glance at the active cars in the lineup right now.

For questions or if you want to suggest a race, email me and let me know. tapemeasureracing@gmail.com    

Also you can fill out a race request form seen below.  Or on twitter at @TMPDR1