Thank you for visiting my research webpage. Here is a short bio, I am: 

As a researcher, I study the online advertising market and, more precisely, the way this market tends to be self-regulated by specific organizations like trade associations, metrics producers and standard-setters. I address these issues through case studies (e.g. ad-blocking, data quality) and pay attention to the practices of the market actors. My theoretical approach is connecting economic sociology and competition dynamics

Topics : advertising, digital marketing, environmental impact of advertising, self-regulation, trade associations, standards . 

Before starting my PhD in October 2016 at Orange Labs, I worked for one year in the field of public affairs for a main French renewable energy producer (ENGIE). I graduated from Sciences Po Strasbourg (Master in Economic and Regulatory Law) and I hold a Master of Business, Competition and Regulatory Law (LL.M.) from the Freie Universität Berlin and a Master in Digital Economics and Network Industries (IREN) from Paris-Dauphine.  

Conferences & communications

Publications and works in progress

Teaching : 

> Introductory courses in economics for law students - Master in Economic and Regulatory Law (Science-Po Strasbourg) - since 2019 : 

> Course on "Digital Advertising" - Master in Media, Communication and Sports (Université Paris 2-Panthéon Assas) - since 2022 ; 

For any further information, you can contact me by mail: theophile.megali[at] or via LinkedIn.