Non-serial publication in 2019; funded through Global Fund Matching Fund for Human Rights, where TLF SHARE Collective was sub-recipient in the Philippines

Exhibit panels on tarpaulin; funded through GFATM - HIV and AIDS Round 3, where The Library Foundation / TLF SHARE Collective was project implementer for San Pablo City in Laguna, Gumaca in Quezon, Legazpi and Tabaco Cities in Albay

Tacticals for the BCC theme "healthy, sexy, safe;" funded by GFATM HIV and AIDS Round 5 grant in 2008, with brand and merchandising tie-up with DKT Philippines, Inc. (Frenzy Condoms and E-Z Lubricating Jelly)

Brochure with pocket for condoms and lubes for distribution in MSM and TG community outreach; funded through GFATM - HIV and AIDS Round 3, where The Library Foundation / TLF SHARE Collective was project implementer for San Pablo City in Laguna, Gumaca in Quezon, Legazpi and Tabaco Cities in Albay

Brochure for advocacy and social mobilization; funded through GFATM - HIV and AIDS Round 3, where The Library Foundation / TLF SHARE Collective was project implementer for San Pablo City in Laguna, Gumaca in Quezon, Legazpi and Tabaco Cities in Albay

Booklet for safer sex and STI/HIV prevention; funded through GFATM - HIV and AIDS Round 3, where The Library Foundation / TLF SHARE Collective was project implementer for San Pablo City in Laguna, Gumaca in Quezon, Legazpi and Tabaco Cities in Albay

Exhibit panels on PVC board; supported by Levi Strauss Foundation and Network Photographers through Philippine Business for Social Progress, with contributions from Dominique James Photography

Booklet for safer sex and STI/HIV prevention; funded by Crusaid and International HIV/AIDS Alliance through the Philippine NGO Support Program, with brand and merchandising tie-up with DKT Philippines

IMAGE CREDIT: shawnanggg on Unsplash