I am a creator of things. My main products are games and comics, but I also do art commissions. 

Most of my training and experience is self-taught. I used to make games on Scratch before moving on to Unity, then Unreal and Godot. I have experience programming in C#, GDScript, and Unreal Engine's Blueprints, as well as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. I've also used many different PC programs, some of which are listed down below.


I use Godot and occasionally Unreal to make games and software. I used to main Unity, but after they changed their pricing scheme, I switched. Outside of engines, I use Visual Studio and especially Visual Studio Code to code; the former I used to make a few WIndows Forms applications. I also have experience with other IDEs, such as Brackets, Notepad++, and Eclipse for Java.

For art I've primarily been using Krita, a program entirely dedicated to art. I may also use Affinity Photo to make art, but lately Krita has overshadowed it for me. I do however use Affinity Designer for graphics and design in general. I don't use Affinity Publisher anywhere near as much, but it's my go-to for PDFs and the sort. When making pixel art, I always use Aseprite.

I use Blender for 3D modeling and rendering. I mostly use it to render 3D environments and to make models for objects in my games, but I've been learning how to make characters using it as well. 

Lastly, FL Studio is the main DAW I use for audio, even for sound effects. I may use Audacity or Ocenaudio for sound effects, but FL Studio has everything I need. I do have experience with music trackers, namely OpenMPT and Famitracker. Before FL Studio, I used to use LMMS for all my music.


I usually just use social media for communication. Links are below.
