Matthew Banks

Matthew Banks is a Franchise Owner of The Krazy Krew's Studios. He is the creator & owner of the OutClassed Series.

About Matthew (Basic Info)

Matthew Banks is a Franchise Owner of The Krazy Krew's Studios.

He is the creator & owner of the OutClassed Series.

About Matthew (TKKS history)

Matthew joined TKKS in late 2020. However, the OutClassed Series has interestingly existed before he joined TKKS, through the OutClassed YouTube channel & Future Cartoon Series. However, episodes of Future were intensely low quality & filled-to-the-brim with unusuable material before Matthew joined TKKS. (Future's Season 1 was made prior to Matthew's arrival to TKKS & Future's Season 2 was made after it.) Matthew became Amarcio's friend in early 2020, however, he didn't join TKKS until late 2020.

About Matthew (Social Media)

Matthew helps run the TKKS Website alongside Amarcio. Matthew also runs the OutClassed YouTube channel & the OutClassed Twitter account. Matthew does have other social media, but his accounts on them are not TKKS-related.

Matthew's non-TKKS social media accounts: Several YouTube alternative channels, several Instagram profiles, several TikTok accounts.

(TKKS does not take any responsibility to/for any copyrighted material he may post on his accounts.)

About Matthew (Activity)

Out of Amarcio & Breanna, Matthew is usually the least active out of the 3. There is a 1 in 15 chance he will be active.

About Matthew (Contact)

You can contact Matthew through his. Matthew's email is "".

TKKS recommends you to contact Matthew if you:

1. Are OK with the high potential of receiving your message a few weeks to months later (at least).

2. Would like to contact the owner/creator of the OutClassed Series

3. Have business inquiries related to the OutClassed Series.

If you are in no rush & would like to contact the owner/creator of the OutClassed Series, contacting Matthew is recommended.

(WARNING: It is unrecommended to attempt to contact TKKS by contacting Matthew if you have an urgent situation, as there is a high chance he likely won't receive your message until much later. Matthew does use "Do Not Disturb" mode, so there is a 5 in 10 chance he will have Do Not Disturb mode on. If he has it on, don't bother trying to contact him again, just contact Amarcio or wait until he turns it off.)