Welcome to the official web-page of Author T.J. Wray

Follow your dreams and NEVER give up!

Welcome my friends

Please navigate through my website by clicking on the links at the top of this page. To learn more about me, my books, my children, my books purchasing links and how to contact me directly. Plus my advice for first time authors. A lot of this information can be found dropped down under the (Home) button.


Update. Hi again. I just released my 3rd book, (The Adventures of CDL Mikey), on 11-8-2019. You can find it on Amazon, Ingram and Goodreads. It is FREE with Kindle Unlimited and just $.99 otherwise.


Thank you guys for the wonderful support. Have a blessed day..TJ


My first two books are non-fiction/memoir. A series about my life and childhood. Then becoming a teenage father and the hardships that came along with adulthood. These two books will take you on an adventure like no other book you have read.


#1 The first book (Our Teenage Years: Growing up in a small town in the 80's), chronicles my ruff childhood and terrible step parents. Then meeting a life long best friend (Terry) and overcoming obstacles going into our teenage years. Also becoming a teenage father. Plus all the wild adventures, fights and trouble teenage boys might get into. This book is about friends and family. Two things very dear to my heart. This book contains everything from a werewolf story to a hay-monster. Plus the many, many (Life Lessons), I learned the hard way... This book is FREE with Kindle Unlimited and just .99 otherwise.

Update= 11/15/2019

Don't miss 'Our Teenage Years: Growing up in a small town in the 80's' by -


Chosen as a 2019 New Apple Summer eBook Awards "Autobiography / Biography / Memoir" Official Selection #IAN1 #IARTG #eBook #Kindle #BYNR #NewApple It's now only .99


#2 The second book is (The '90s: Life on the Road). This book is about more grown up and adult experiences. Marriage, children, and jobs. After breaking my back and going through major back surgery. I had to spend a year and a half in rehab and physical therapy learning how to walk again. Then, I needed a new career and a new adventure. This book will take you down the road to that adventure...Please Enjoy

These two books have more than 60, five star reviews on Goodreads. Including Lit-Pick and City Book Reviews and many others. You can read some of these reviews on the (book reviews) page at the top, dropped down under (Home).


Every few months or so I have book giveaways. If you follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/TJamesWray

or on Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17726900.T_J_Wray

I will notify you when I have a giveaway. Normally, when I release a new book I will give away some to get the party started.

Purchasing Information

You can click on the purchase link at the top under (Home). It will take you to my Goodreads page. Which contains the Amazon link for purchasing the books and all of my Goodreads reviews. Or you can just click on the (buy) now button on the picture to your right. These books are both FREE on Kindle Unlimited and $2.99 on Kindle. Thank you for visiting my website, and thank you for your support. My next book will be out around Christmas of 2019. Please look for it on Amazon and Goodreads. God bless you and your family. Respectfully.... TJ

Update. The first book (Our Teenage Years), is now only .99

Click below to go to the Amazon page and buy book now. These book are ALL FREE with Kindle Unlimited. Or just scroll down and hit the (buy now) button.

Happy Reading

Reading an E-book for FREE from Amazon

You don't need an actual Kindle or Kindle Fire device to read E-books from Amazon. You just simple download the FREE (E-reader) app from Amazon onto any device you can get onto the internet with. I have read E-books from Amazon on my phone, on my laptop, on my desktop computer, and on my daughters ipad. If you don't want to download the free app for some reason. You can still read E-books for free on Amazon using the (cloud reader). I have read lots of E-books on Amazon using both of these options and they both work great. So again, you don't have to own a Kindle device to read a Kindle book on Amazon. When you purchase an E-book from Amazon it will automatically direct you to download the FREE Kindle E-reader app onto your device... Thank you and Happy Reading.