I am an Associate Professor at Maastricht University interested in the large-scale organisation of complex systems such as the brain. At Maastricht University, I have developed facilities for mobile brain-body imaging (MOBI) in collaboration with neuroscientists, movement scientists, neurologists, and data scientists. We do research in which we record EEG, EMG and 3D kinematic data while participants can freely move around. By acquiring EMG activity from multiple muscles we can use network analysis to assess the interactions between different muscles throughout the body and investigate the role of neural synchronisation in motor coordination. Through the combination of data analysis techniques such as dynamic connectivity analysis, mode decomposition and graph theory and computational modelling, we aim to identify the key principles involved in the control of human movement and posture.

Email: tjeerd.boonstra@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Bluesky: @tjeerdwboonstra.bsky.social

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