Early years practice policy

 09 Early years practice policy 

Alongside associated procedures in 09.1-09.15 Early years practice, this policy was adopted by Tiverton Little Stars Pre-School on 18/10/23. 


Children are safe, happy, and eager to participate and to learn. 


Policies & Procedures for the EYFS 2021 (Early Years Alliance 2022) 

The Early Years Foundation Stage is used as a framework to provide care and learning opportunities for babies and children under two years. 

Older Children (2-5 years) 

Waiting list and admissions 

Our provision is accessible to children and families from all sections of the local and wider community. We aim to ensure that all sections of the community receive accessible information and that our admissions procedures are fair, clear, and open to all parents who apply for places. The availability of a place at the setting considers staff/child ratios, the age of the child and registration requirements. 

Funded places – free entitlement 

All 3- and 4-year-olds in England are entitled to 15 hours free childcare and early education each week for 38 weeks of the year. Some eligible two year olds are also entitled. Funded places are offered in accordance with national and local codes of practice and adherence to the relevant Provider Agreement/Contract with the local authority. 

Legal References 

Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 

Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (DfE and DHSC 2014) 

Equality Act 2010 

Childcare Act 2006