I have a broad range of interests within different fields of Physics, influenced by the recent ground-breaking advancements in quantum technologies. I started as a Quantum Information Theorist during my PhD. In later years, I actively started working on Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum Simulations, and Tensor Network Methods. At present, I work on various inter-disciplinary and inter-connected areas involving Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Simulations, Quantum Information Science, and Tensor Network Algorithms as listed below.

At the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy... Circa January 2023...

My academic profile can be found on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and the Web of Science


Research Interests...

Quantum Simulations with Ultra-Cold Atoms

Tensor Network Algorithms for Quantum Many-Body Problems

Lattice Gauge Theories

Many-Body Localization and Disordered Systems 

Critical Phenomena and Conformal Field Theory

Topological Phases and Quantum Spin Liquids

Cavity Control of Many-Body Systems

Out-of-Equilibrium Phenomena

Entanglement Structure and Entanglement Dynamics in Many-Body Systems

Microscopic thermal machines

Decoherence and Open Quantum Systems

Quantum Communication Protocols

Current Collaborators...

Prof. Jakub Zakrzewski
Jagiellonian University, Poland

Dr. Luca Tagliacozzo

Prof. Giovanna Morigi
Saarland University, Germany

Prof. Alexander Nersesyan
Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, Georgia

ArXiv Listings...

TenNetLib.jl - A Tensor Network Library built on top of ITensors.jl for quantum many-body problems.

QIClib - A C++11 library for quantum information and computation