

Please Donate!

Become a sponsor or make a donation!

This event costs over $35,000 and we want to make this as affordable as possible for the kids. Also, given the last two years, we expect a big crowd!! Any amount will help!

If you choose to become a sponsor, please contact Sarah Savarie at

(571)-236-2442 for additional information. Sponsorship levels are below.

Donation Amount:

Diamond - $2,500.00

  • Name of individual business on a sign prominently displayed in front of school

  • Name on banner prominently displayed at the school

  • Window sticker to display in window of business

  • Recognition in Town Crier and on all social media

Platinum - $1,000.00

  • Name on banner prominently displayed at the school

  • Window sticker to display in window of business

  • Recognition in Town Crier and on all social media

Gold - $500.00

  • Name on banner displayed at the school

  • Window sticker to display in window of business

  • Recognition in Town Crier and on all social media

Silver - $250.00

  • Recognition in Town Crier and on all social media

Bronze - $100.00

  • Recognition in Town Crier and on all social media

Other: Anything helps!

Checks made payable to ACHS PTSA - All Night Grad Party

Mailed to: PTSA Treasurer, ACHS, 3330 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302