Narrative is important to us at TITAN Contractors, and as the squadron has grown, so has the world-building behind the TCON corporation. In order to give players an immersive experience for those looking for it, the world-building behind TITAN is supported by several divisions.
Every division has a unique style and all serve different purposes, while remaining lore friendly to the wider Elite universe.
These divisions represent the different major areas of TITAN, and appear in the narrative with various characters associated to them. While Commanders cannot join these divisions in-lore or out of game, they can liaise with their operations. Liaising allows Commanders to support any division at any time as an independent contractor, but does not officially recognize them as registered TITAN personnel.
Instead, with Task Force Neptune, Commanders who pass an application can officially join a specialized task force, registering as a TITAN operative directly, rather than an independent contractor. Via this, pilots can represent the squadron's various divisions and fields, while working towards and supporting whatever operations the squadron may undertake. This includes coordinating the squadron's focus and operations, as well as suggesting new missions - a liberty not granted via liaising independently.
We also offer personalized ID cards on our Discord for Commanders who want a more immersive/roleplay-esque touch to their gameplay, in which Commanders can receive liaison cards for their preferred division, in order to display their support or focus.
Go ahead, and Meet Our Divisions which afford us this additional narrative depth.
SPECIALITIES: Hybrid Operations
Task Force Neptune is a specialized squadron division focused on one specific purpose - upholding and defending the squadron's interests.
This relatively simple purpose deepens the task force's diversity in actuality, demanding that it envelops numerous different fields and expertise into its ranks. This division - or rather a task force - is particularly unique, in several ways.
While Neptune's operations will typically overlap with the squadron's focus, no crew or personnel are officially a part of the task force. Although it is guided by the operations crew and supported by personnel from all four divisions, the task force only contains Commanders apart of the squadron, who are led by a command element called Neptune HIGHCOM. This command element is specific to the task force, and liaises with the squadron's primary command structure through its operations network. This task is granted to trustworthy, skilled Commanders who have distinguished themselves in their service with the squadron, and are deemed fit to coordinate and lead Neptune operations.
Neptune is also the only true division Commanders are able to join. While Commanders can liaise with other divisions and uphold the squadron in their own way, they cannot join any other divisions as official personnel. This differs greatly with Neptune, as Commanders who successfully join the task force are recognized officially as TITAN operatives rather than independent contractors, gaining access to additional channels and squadron operations.
This additional flexibility grants Commanders a chance to make an imprint on the squadron, and influence its directions and decisions in the various missions and operations it undertakes. With this diverse array of individuals, Neptune specializes in practically all fields and operations the squadron may undertake, across all four of its divisions. Commanders of all calibres and expertise are welcomed to Neptune after passing a short application verifying their ability.
While TF Neptune was formed in response to the escalation of the Second Thargoid War in late 3308, some of its activities include media operations, recruitment, mentoring, and creation of events and organization of other squadron activities - to name a few. Effectively, TF Neptune reflects the spirit of TITAN, able to accomplish whatever its Commanders and crew put their mind to.
SPECIALITIES: Intelligence Analysis, Cryptography, Exploration, Strategy
Lead by CMDR Elliot Goddard, Mantis is responsible for field reconnaissance, deep-space exploration and military strategy. An upgraded, military-grade sensor suite aboard the Solaris flagship allows Mantis, even with their small team, to connect to galactic networks and provide updates as required. These updates are used to further decisions made in the squadron, and assist its operations.
Mantis is also heavily specialised towards cryptography, which is often used in an intelligence and reconaissance context. This specialization also lends their enthusiasm towards scientific discoveries and exploration data, practically making them the squadron's exploration division.
Additionally, Mantis has several military tacticians apart of their team. These tacticians are responsible for strategizing in combat situations, where squadron assets must be deployed sparingly and decisively. Alongside working closely with Centurion SF and BLUSTAR, Mantis excels as a strategic recon division - a specialty which comes as no surprise.
SPECIALITIES: Ground Operations, Space Combat, Special Operations, AX Defence
Centurion SF is a highly trained mercenary force, comprised of professional soldiers armed with the latest military hardware. Lead by COSO Meddley Faust, they are the military backbone of TITAN Contractors - essentially the squadron's own private army, comprised of around six hundred active, armed personnel. However, not all of them are equipped as frontline soldiers.
Centurion has many specialist roles, from combat technicians and medics to infiltrators and combat pilots. The diversity in roles allows Centurion to tackle many different tasks, most not even combat-related. CSF is often deployed around the squadron as a security asset, supplementing existing security teams onboard our squadron carriers. Thanks to the extensive training, most CSF soldiers can be compared to the average special forces operative - highly trained, well-armed and motivated.
Being the largest division in TITAN yet, Centurion is comprised of multiple sub-divisions. Below are the four primary subdivisions, with their approximate armed personnel numbers.
CSF Cobra (700~) are a frontline combat unit, and make up the majority of Centurion forces and TITAN's private army. In the event of conflict or security breaches, this subdivision is typically the first responder. This subdivision also includes non-combatant, command or coordination personnel.
CSF Pioneers (400~) are a tactical engineering and exploration division. Responsible for surveying sites or repairing assets, the Pioneers are a jack-of-all trades, comprised primarily of specialists and technicians. Due to their size, they are essentially a sub-subdivision of CSF Cobra, with most of their personnel actively serving in TF Scorpion.
CSF Eclipse TF (300~) are a special operations flight group. Their fleet are comprised of small combat vessels as well as dropships. Often seen reinforcing the backbone of any planetary operation, Eclipse is responsible for space security and ground deployments. While a small amount of personnel are assigned to Eclipse operations, their skill and firepower cannot be understated.
CSF Sentinel (250~) is a hyper-specialized subdivision of Centurion, with a large focus on anti-xeno and cross-division activities. While comparatively smaller than other divisions, Sentinel is well-trained, and represents the militaristic sides of all TITAN divisions. Sentinel also liaises closely with the squadron's security and other divisions, commonly providing personnel and training for hazardous operations.
SPECIALITIES: Search & Rescue, Humanitarian Aid, Support
Stylised as BLUSTAR Operations, this division is primarily an aid organisation. Blue Star acts as the medical backbone of TITAN Contractors. Borrowing several ships from CSF Eclipse, they provide rescue aid to stranded Commanders, damaged star-ports, and so forth.
Ironically, despite BLUSTAR being focused on humanitarian aid, a small group within the agency is combat-outfitted. While most personnel are unarmed in accordance with their humanitarian nature, several combat-trained personnel and even occasionally CSF soldiers are used to protect BLUSTAR's interests.
Aboard the Solaris, BLUSTAR Operations operates multiple medical wings, with a variety of high-tech equipment and medical facilities that put BLUSTAR on the cutting edge of their field. This makes TITAN fairly self-sufficient, able to treat injuries and maintain the health of the crew even in desperate, overwhelming times.
Sometimes, though quite rarely, BLUSTAR-aligned Commanders utilise repair limpets and special engineered weaponry to recharge allied shields using concordant laser sequencing, allowing them to provide support in high-intensity, drawn-out combat environments.
SPECIALITIES: Cargo Logistics, Passenger Transport, Bulk Hauling
Focused on trading, PANDORA Logistics forms the logistical supply structure of TITAN Contractors. This division is solely responsible for the large-scale hauling of goods and handling of logistics, which is often required for carrier refuelling or bulk hauling.
Not only do PANDORA handle more passive logistics, but they are also responsible for part of CSF's logistics network. The movement of military munitions and equipment is commonly handled by PANDORA operators, and as a result their vessels or operations are safeguarded by large groups of CSF personnel, more than what is offered to BLUSTAR Operations.
While PANDORA is more of a 'background division', they are easily critical to squadron function, ensuring all the divisions are adequately supplied to deal with their tasks at hand. Their personnel and maintenance staff focus on repairing and maintaining the squadron's vessels and carriers - an absolutely critical aspect when fording the depths of space.
PANDORA also offers a free Commander transportation service provided by other licensed Commanders, short or long range, and as such a wide fleet of numerous ships are used to ferry around Commanders around the galaxy if they lack a ship.
SPECIALITIES: Independent Squadron Security
The Solaris Peacekeepers are an independent security and law agency created by TITAN Contractors. Forming the more elite side of Solaris security, the Peacekeepers - while not really a division - form a good portion of the Solaris Security branch, and are led by Chief Peacekeeper Lauren Dawson alongside other Peacekeeper officers. Other than maintaining the TCS Charter - a document that governs squadron law - the Peacekeepers also serve as private investigators for TITAN, and have been pivotal in liaising with galactic police agencies, like Interpol, to solve criminal issues affecting the squadron.
The Peacekeepers are distinguished from the other divisions by two important things; one being that Commanders are generally not allowed to liaise or associate with the Peacekeepers, and that, despite operating out of the Solaris and being funded by TITAN Contractors, the Peacekeepers are considered a completely separate organisation. The latter is important, as the Peacekeepers utilise this flexibility to enforce squadron law. Their independent nature allows them to essentially prosecute anyone within the squadron - ensuring that none are exempt from the law. Likewise, the Peacekeepers are held, for the most part, responsible for their actions separate to TITAN.
Despite this 'disassociation', the Peacekeepers are still permitted to use squadron assets and request assistance from certain divisions.