I took your advice and reported it to Apple. Hope it gets fixed, because it's a pain in the ***! I guess until then, no customizing already set textones or contact sounds, unless it's a ringtone. So stupid. So inaccessible. I count on my phone making certain noises to indicate certain people and events. And I like custom tones, because it sets them apart from everyone else who has an iphone!

Apparently this isn't a bug but done purposely, the only text tones (affects new voicemail, new mail, sent mail, calendar & reminders) you can now use are purchased ones which are their bought ones but not your own free ones however custom ones as noted by others are only visible to ringtones. Apple being Apple have also reduced the volume of text tones (something to do with EU something or other - there are articles on this on the web and many complaining) so there is no bug and not likely to be a fix as it seems a decision has been taken to do just this. Apple like to dictate how you use their products now seemingly how loud your text tones are, to me it's the final straw and another reason now to go to Android. Pointless raising issues and wasting your time sending feedback they pay no attention to it so you either put up & shut up or jump ship.

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True, but if you tap into the menu settings to choose a new tone, it disconnects the previous tone entirely and *poof* you're now stuck with nothing to choose from. This is what happened to me and how I discovered this issue.

Seems like a huge step back that users can no longer use purchased or custom tones for anything else but ringtones, and if custom contact ringtones and textones are used, they still work as they should, but the user cannot change them, except to the newer crappy tones, or the classic ones. Very disappointing indeed. Almost worthy of a downgrade.

I'm having the same problem and when I click on "Download All Purchased Tones" they won't download again. When I go to the iTunes Store I see the ringtones but now I have to RE-purchase them. I'm really hoping this is just a glitch with iOS 17.0.1 because I just purchased these ringtones a couple of days ago and Mama ain't happy!

I would find being forced to use paid tones again annoying, but that isn't even the case. It's not that I can't use just custom tones, but even purchased tones don't appear in the list of tones one can use for things like textone, reminder alerts, calendar alerts, etc. For every other instance but strictly ringtones, I'm limited to the new tones and the classic, with no options for my purchased tones or my custom tones. Of course there's a button to go to the tone store, but nothing else. 152ee80cbc

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