Tips to Increase Fuel Efficiency of Your Three-Wheeler

Three-wheelers are designed for transportation or fleet businesses. To get the best mileage or fuel efficiency from the three-wheeler, there are some easy tips that commercial vehicle owners can follow. Read on to know.

A three-wheeler or auto rickshaw is one of the most preferred transportation options for people in India. The light design, ease of transportation, and convenience for the public make autos the most preferred choice for daily passengers. Nowadays, with roads full of traffic and stricken by narrow lanes, it is wise to use public conveyance to reach your destination on time. For commercial vehicle owners, it is vital to ensure that their autos or other three-wheelers are in the best condition. With the spike in fuel costs, it has become crucial to improve mileage and attain maximum mileage from your auto. Even if you buy an auto from a reliable brand like TVS King mileage per litre you need to ensure proper care to get maximum fuel efficiency and mileage for the long term. Here are some tricks to help you maximize fuel efficiency from your auto. 

Get Regular Servicing

Keeping your auto well-maintained and serviced will play a vital role in enhancing its mileage. Regular servicing of the vehicle is also the best way to improve engine health and increase the life span. Following a routine servicing or maintenance schedule will help find hidden issues and fix the parts before they become a serious and expensive problem. When you go for servicing, choose only authorised service centres, as they provide excellent services using advanced technology and genuine parts to ensure the desired results.

Use Good Quality Fuel

Remember, filling up your auto with poor-grade fuel can adversely impact the vehicle’s engine and performance. It can even lead to sudden breakdown of the vehicle, engine failure, and safety issues. You can determine the quality of fuel by checking its density and volume at the fuel station. It is recommended to select a reliable fuel station and stick to the same station for fuel refilling.

Keep the Engine Turned Off When Idle

It is highly recommended to switch off the engine while the vehicle is idle, especially at long red traffic signals or a train crossing. Growing this practice can help you save a lot of fuel for your auto. Keeping your auto or any vehicle idle for more than 10 seconds is equal to restarting the engine. So, when you keep your engine on when your three-wheeler is idle, it can cause bigger wear on your vehicle engine. So, you should switch off the engine whenever your vehicle is idle to save some fuel.

Be Smart with Your Driving Practices

You need to follow proper driving techniques and stick to a steady speed limit while driving an auto. Driving your vehicle at a steady speed is one of the easiest ways to improve fuel efficiency. A reckless drive, sudden brakes, and acceleration demand you to brake hard to halt, resulting in poor mileage since frequent acceleration uses a lot of fuel. So, be smart with driving practices. 


Whether you have an auto like TVS King (known for giving great mileage per litre) or any other three-wheeler model, the above tips can help you attain great fuel efficiency from your vehicle.