The selection and hiring of personnel originates from the need to create new jobs or because of internal reorganizations (dismissals, rotations, transfers, promotions, among others).

This is why the selection and hiring of personnel can be internal or external.

Below we will explain in detail the steps to follow to make the selection and hiring of personnel in an organization.

Steps for the selection and hiring of personnel

Before starting the recruitment and selection process, personnel needs to be determined.

The calculation of the number of employees can not be improvised, since a greater number of labor of the required incurs higher costs, underutilized personnel, bad habits, among others; Likewise, a deficit in the workforce may have as a consequence the non-compliance of the production and / or personnel subjected to excessive tension.

A job is determined by the set of tasks to be performed by the person (s) occupying it. It is recommended that this set of tasks be detailed in a job description or job position in order to ensure that it is well defined in terms of its relevance to the company and its development.

In the case of new companies, the jobs are calculated according to the classification of the tasks to be performed

In the case of companies in operation, the estimation of jobs will depend on the projection of growth that the company has, the rotation and the technological changes that are foreseen.

In any case, it is advisable to foresee the needs of personnel, in order to prepare the hiring with sufficient time, avoiding hasty hiring, avoiding the risk of hiring the least suitable person or the one we find available at that moment.

The selection of personnel is divided into internal and external.

The internal selection is based on the search within the organization of the person with the appropriate profile to occupy the vacant position.

This selection has its advantages as the process of internalization and knowledge of the worker's business culture is already carried out.

In addition, we already know the professional development and style of the worker.

However, the process of adaptation, training and evaluation must be present in the same way as if an external personnel were incorporated.

The external selection is carried out when a person from outside the organization is used to occupy the job.

The selection process is divided into the following phases:

  1. Analysis of needs
  2. Recruitment
  3. Preselection
  4. Interview and final election
  5. Hiring
  6. Tracing

Analysis of needs

To determine the needs we must take into account the job and the profile of the worker who will occupy it.

The job is defined from:

  • The tasks to be performed, are the daily tasks that must be performed in the workplace.
  • The problems that will solve. Defines the level of complexity of the tasks, skills, knowledge and skills required to solve them.
  • Function that will play. Allows you to be in the position necessary to carry out the position.
  • The location within the organization chart. Defines the hierarchical level within the organization.

The profile of the candidate is defined from the description of the job, taking into consideration the following aspects:

  • Knowledge or basic training of the person.
  • Experience in jobs similar to the job that is intended to be occupied.
  • Ability or ability to solve problems that are expected to arise in the workplace.
  • Attitude or behavior before the tasks of the job.

Recruitment of a new worker

Once the necessary jobs have been defined, the disclosure of the desire to hire personnel is made by the method that the company considers most appropriate, either through its own employees, who announce the existence of the vacancy between your friends and family, or through the press, the internet or any other means of disclosure.

The method chosen by the company will depend on the profile of the desired position and the company's hiring policies.

In case you consider hiring temporary staff you can call on former employees who know the company and do not need adaptation time, this being more profitable for the company.

Preselection of the worker

In this phase the candidatures are evaluated.

If the profile is clearly defined, reviewing the résumés will be an easy task to discard those that do not comply.

It is recommended to prepare a job application form, which candidates must complete; then, from said request, the pre-selection will be carried out.

The job application model varies from one case to another.

They usually contain the identity data, studies carried out, previous experience in similar positions and any other aspect that is considered should be known.

After receiving the CVs with their respective job applications, they are classified according to their suitability to the profile of the required position.

The selected requests go to the next phase of the selection.

Interview and final election

The first interview is conducted with the candidates that fit the required profile.

In this first encounter, interpersonal contact is established in which the presence, disposition, interest in the position and coherence between the written information and the impression caused by the candidate will be evaluated.

Tests of knowledge, abilities and skills required for the position to be occupied are carried out.

Practical tests, multiple choice, multiple questions can be carried out; this in order to verify that the candidate's technical level meets the required level.

There are different types of tests among which are those of intelligence, abstract reasoning, memory, imagination and attention.

The first two reflect the ability of the individual to face unexpected situations and respond to them with a certain logic.

The following three factors do not show whether the candidate will be able to perform his work under the conditions that have been specified.

After the interviews, tests, test and reference check are completed, the candidate that best suits the profile of the position is chosen.

If we have more than one candidate it is important to make clear the need to choose and the interest in maintaining contact for future collaborations with those who have not opted for the position.

What is Hiring?

While the contracting procedures are being developed, it is recommended to develop a plan for the incorporation of the new employee into the company and into his / her job.

An excellent selection is not worth anything if the new employee is left in a little known environment, with methods different from those he has been using in his previous jobs and without preparing him in the handling of the auxiliary equipment he has to use.

A plan for incorporation into the workplace must contemplate the following:

  • Information about the company's policies, mission, vision, organizational structure, general vision of the scope of work of the company.
  • Presentation of the supervisor or person in charge of supervising the new employee in his adaptation phase to the position and to the company.
  • Location and the place of work to be occupied, which must be prepared when it is incorporated.
  • Explanation of the tasks to be performed. It is advisable to make general guidelines that can be used in the future and in which not only the operations to be carried out but also the reason or the objective of each one must be specified, as well as the auxiliary means to be used.
  • Delivery of auxiliary means of work (tools, equipment, material) for the effective performance of tasks which must be available from the day of incorporation of the employee.

Follow up of the contracted

Once the new employee has been hired, a new stage begins in which a set of expectations based on the new experience in the labor-professional sphere are created and which seek to satisfy the needs related to the worker's essential area of ​​interest.

The new member of the company will expect professional development, economic growth, incorporation into the institutional space of the company, among other aspects, so that the progress of these expectations should be monitored.

Expectations, both on one side and on the other, are put to the test and verified in the responses that are produced. These responses include aspects of connection, technical aspects and the incidence of contextual and cultural factors of the organization.

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